It can only be Jared's

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(A/N: Make sure to read the authors note at the end. Happy reading!)

Jungkook's POV

Yawn. I stretch once I enter my house. It was 11pm at night when the plane arrived and midnight when the cab dropped us off. No one was awake at the time but I figured we were alone in the house because I remember my mom telling me she would go on vacation too. Lucian and I tiptoe up the stairs just in case.

"Let's just unpack tomorrow." Lucian whispers in my ear. I agree with him and slip under the covers, feeling the bed dip as a sign he joined me.

"Goodnight Lucian."

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in close. "Goodnight."

***Next Day***

I wake up to the smell of sizzling bacon. My arm reaches out to the empty space next to me and I groan, not wanting to wake up. My lazy ass gets out of bed and down the stairs, meeting a shirtless Lucian in the kitchen. "Morning." He smiles at me, serving the food.

"Morning." I groan again, really hating waking up. We eat in silence until I get my senses. "What do you wanna do today?"

"Mhhhmmm how about the mall? We need to get some back to school clothes." I nod and pick up the dishes, placing them in the sink.

"Let's go after I change."

"Ok I'll shower while you get ready." He heads upstairs and I sit there until I hear the faucet running, respecting his privacy. I run up when I know for sure he's in the tub and I pick some nice clothes from the drawers. I change, pulling off my dirty shirt and shimmying into my clean pants when I hear the shower turn off. Shit. I'm not ready. I fumble trying to get the pants on before he opens the door but I end up losing my balance and fall on the floor with a loud thud. Lucian comes running out when he hears the commotion.

"Shit are you ok?" I look up at the dripping, concerned face of Lucian. Damn he looks good. He helps me up and onto the bed. "Does it hurt anywhere?"

"Nope. Just my pride and self-esteem." He laughs and sits down next to me, still only wearing a towel around his waist.

"So you're ok now?" I nod and he smiles, going to his suitcase to find some nice clothes to wear also. "Don't act like I haven't seen you naked Jungkook. You shouldn't be ashamed." I blush at his words.

"You have not!"

"Have too."

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

"Shut up." I walk to the doorframe. "I'll wait for you downstairs."


I laugh a little and get my things ready for Lucian, "if he ever decides to hurry up!" I finish my train of thought loud and clear so he could get the message. It seemed like hours before he was done and we got the keys to leave the house and go to the mall.


Jimin's POV

3 days.

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