Pt. 1

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I woke up with your head pounding. Was i dead? I smelt buttercups, I sit up and saw I landed on a patch of buttercups.I couldn't see to well, because I was so cunfused I forgot to move my H/C hair out of my eyes.I noticed there's no way back up so I began to look for an exit.All there is, is a black hallway.I stand up and walk down the dark hallway.I then noticed a yellow follower appear out of nowhere.

"Howdey! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"The flower said.

"Hello"I replied.

"You must be new to the Underground! Golly! You must be so cunfused!"Flower said.

I nodded.I felt I could trust this flower.

"Well someone aught to teach you how things work around here! I guess little ol' me will have to do!"Flowey said."Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!"I replied.

Flowey's smile grew wider and I entered a battle like thing.

"See that heart? That's your soul! The very center of your being! You soul starts off weak but can get stronger by gaining LV.!"Flowey explained.

"W-What's LV stand for"I asked.

"What does LV. stand for? Why Love of course! Down here love is shared through....little...white..."friendliness pellets"....You want some love don't you!?"Flowey asked.

"Uh.."I replied.

"Move around get as many as you can!"He said.

They came closer so I touched them.I fell onto my hands it hurt a lot.I looked at Flowey and he had an evil face.He laughed evily.

"YoU iDiOt, DoWn HeRe It'S kIlLeD oR bE kIlLeD!"Flowey laughed.

I looked up at him in pure fear.Then the friendliness pellets surrounded my soul.

"DIE!"Flowey exclaimed then began to laugh as they began to close in on my soul.

I was about to die when they disappeared, my heath was restored, and Flowey was shot by a fire ball.A goat like person came up.

"What a terrible creature, hurting such an innocent youth"The woman said.

I looked up at her scared.

"Don't be scared my child, Im Toriel caretaker of the Ruins. I come everyday to see if another human has fallen"Toriel said.

"Hello Toriel I'm Y/n!"I said standing up.

"Follow me Y/n, I shall guide you through the Ruins"Toriel said reaching for my hand.

I gladly accepted it and she led me into the next room.

{Time skip to Toriel Boss Fight}

"Prove to me your strong enough to survive out there"Toriel said.

I saw how she was tearing up.She threw her attacks at me and every time it was my turn I tried to spare her.After awhile I was at one heath and it was Toriel's turn. Het attacks avoided me? It was then my turn and I spared her.

"I'll let you go through, but promise me you shall never come back"Toriel said.

"I wont, I love you mom..."I said.

"I love you to my child"She replied.

We hugged and I almost cried she was more of a mother to me than my own.We then parted and she left.I went through the door and clold air shot at my face.I hugged myself for warmth.I walked over a stick and then seconds later herd it break.I was terrified.

"H-Hello"I called out.

No answer, so I walked up to a gate like thing.I herd footsteps so I stoped.

"Human, don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand"A low voice said.

I was so cold my arms were numb, I was wearing a f/c tank top.I shook there hand and all of a sudden.


I burst out with laughter and then saw the face of who did it.A skeleton with a big grin.

"Wopie cushion in the hand trick, never gets old!"He said.

I calm down my laughter.

"Hey I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton"Sans said.

"Hey I'm Y/n"I said.

"Nice name, I'm actually supposed to be on the lookout for humans"Sans said.

"O-Oh really"I said.

My legs went numb.

"Hey are you cold, kid?"Sans asked.

"W-W-Why do you ask"I asked chattering.

I couldn't feel my legs, and soon I blacked out on in the snow.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this book so far! Don't worry it get exciting soon!

Word Count: 742


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