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"T-T-That's a lie.."Error said.

"What else do you want"I asked.

"H-Him.."Error said pointing to Ink.

"Nope"I replied.

"T-T-Then I want you to bring me U-Underswap Sans"Error said.

"I don't even know him!"I said.

"H-H-Here's a picture"Error said handing a picture of a Sans with cute star shaped eyes and dressed like Papyrus, but wearing blue.

He looked so innocent and adorable.I wanted to leave, I had to do this.

"I'll do it"I sighed.

"Good c-choice"Error said.

"I'll go to Underswap and get him"I said.

"Good I-I'll keep Rainbow here untill y-you return"Error said.

"Deal"I replied.

My vision blurred and as it cleared I was in the ruins at the door?I walled through and felt the cold wind hitting my face.I was still in the black sweatshirt, but still had shorts on so I was freezing.I walk to the gate and here the foot step.

"Human don't you know how to greet a new pal, turn around shake my hand"The voice said, it didn't sound like Sans.

I shook his hand and got shocked.I fell backwards into the snow and looked up and the tall skeleton.

"Heh, old joy buzzer on the hand trick its always funny"He said.

Wait was that....Papyrus?!

"I'm Papyrus, Papyrus the Skeleton. I'm supposed to be on the watch for humans right now but I don't feel like capturing anybody.Now my brother Sans, he's a human hunting fanatic" Papyrus said.

"I'm Y-Y/n"I said shivering.

"Here let's go to my place so that you can warm up"Papyrus said.

"Thank you.."I replied.

We walked through Snowdin, I was shaking badly.We were infront of..Muffet's?! I was chattering, shaking, and my lip was turning blue.

"A-A-Are we almost there"I asked.

"Little while longer, hang in there kid"Papyrus said.

I was about seven feet from the house and I fell on the ground freezing cold it burned and stung before I passed out in the snow.

Underswap Papyrus POV

I knew she wouldn't make it, I should've teleported us home.I looked down at her shivering body laying in the snow.I pick her up bridal style and move her h/c heair out of her face.Her lips were blue.I carried her home and set her on the couch.I put blankets ontop of her and made sure she was warm.I sat at her feet and stared at her.Why was she different? She wasn't Chara and she wasn't Frisk...who was she? She was defiantly special, she had power.What power was the question.The power was different from all of the other souls.

"What and who are you?"I whispered.

"BROTHER I'M HOME!"Sans exclaimed walking in.

"Shh, a humans sleeping"I said.

"A human why!?"He asked.

"She fell into the snow, she was freezing"I said.

"We need her soul for Alphys"Sans said.

All of a sudden Y/n griped the blanket and teared up a bit.

"Y/n, c'mon kid, its a nightmare"I said.

"Ink No!!"Y/n yelled sitting up.

She held her head and cried.It was as if she didn't see us.Sans was scared I could see it in him eyes.He hugged Y/n to try and calm her down.She cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Sans, I'm sorry......"She said in between cries.

"Kid what are you talking about"I asked.

"I'm sorry Sans....."She said.

"Human I'm right here"Sans said holding her closer.

"I'm sorry I had to.....I'm sorry...I'm sorry....I'm sorry..."She said.

"For what?"Sans asked.

"I'm sorry"She repeated.

After her crying for another minute or two she stopped.

"Kid, what's going on"I asked.

"I'm sorry Papyrus, I'm sorry Sans, I'm sorry Ink, and I'm sorry Chara"She said tearing up again.

"What's happening"I asked.

"Error wasn't Sans, Errors keeping Ink hostage until I give him Sans.If I don't Ink dies and so do I"She said.

Sans hugged her again.He whispered somthing to her and let go.She had a small smile on.

"I'll stay here then and we'll do it tomarrow"She said.

Sans nodded and left into the kitchen.

"What did he say?"I asked.

"Can't tell you, I'm sorry Papyrus"She said.

"Kid"I said.

"Sans has a plan"She said.

"And"I said.

"He's ganna go with Error"She said.

"No, he not! He's been there before! Not again!"I said.

All of a sudden she hugged me.

"He'll be okay trust me..."She said.

"Fine"I sighed as she pulled away from the hug.

"I'm going to get some sleep, goodnight"I said.

"Night"I replied.

I went into the kitchen and saw Sans passed out at the kitchen table.I picked him up, carried him to his room, and put him to bed.I then went into my room and went to bed.

Man, it feels good to type again.Sorry about writing mistakes btw.


Word Count: 845


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