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So, wanna go hang out with some of the other Sans?"Ink asked.

"Yeah, wich ones"I asked.

"Uh, Classic, Dance, and Geno"Ink said.

"Awsome!"I replied.

"Okay take my hand were going to a mutiverse Grilbys"Ink said.

"A wha-"I tried to say but before I could we were at a Grilbys.

I looked in the window to see a RAINBOW GRILBY!?!?

"That Grilby is a rainbow.."I said.

"Yeah, its because he serves all of the Sans when we all come together"Ink said.

"Ohh"I replied.

"Heya"I herd two people say.

I turn around to see Dance and Sans (Classic).

"Oh hey Dance, hey cheater"I said.

"Your still mad about that?"Sans asked.

"Yeah"I replied.

"Did you have another video game battle?"Ink asked.

"Yeah, and Sans cheated"I said.

"What's going on?"Geno asked.

"Just wanted to hang out that's all" Ink said.

"Okay, cool"Geno replied.

We all went inside and sat down.Geno got fries.Me, Ink, Dance, and Sans got burgers.

"Oh yeah, congratulations on getting engaged guys"Geno said.

"Yeah Congats"Dance commented.

"Thanks guys"Me and Ink said.

"I'll be right back I gatta go to the bathroom"I said.


"Guys..."I said.

"What's up Ink?"Dance asked.

"I just....*sigh*....nevermind..."I said.

"Okay"Dance replied.

We continued eating and Y/n can back.

"So I got, my invite.Is Horror, Fell, or G coming?"Geno asked.

"Yeah"I replied.

"Oh god, be careful with Horror"Dance said.

"I know"I said.

"Man, if Horrors there...wait how many humans are there ganna be?" Sans asked.

"Uh, I don't know I think three or four" Ink said.

"Three, my family doesn't like monsters but my cousin, Aunt, and.Uncle do"Y/n said.

"Ah, so it will be mostly monsters nice" Dance said.

"Yup"Y/n replied.

"Anyway, I think I wanna go back home I'm still exhausted from yesterday"I said.

"Can I stay, Sans can teleport me home"Y/n asked.

"Sure"I replied"Bye"

Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now