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"Owww!"I herd Ink cry.

I ran upstairs and saw Ink of the floor.

"How you can't even move?"I asked.

"I don't know, I guess the world hates me"He replied.

"Awe Ink, I don't hate you"I said.

"The only one that does..."He said.

I frowned and hellped him onto bed.

"Wait! I'm dumb! My paintbrush can heal remember!?"Ink said.

"Oh my god"I said before I face palmed.

I grabbed his paintbrush.

"We're so stupid"Ink said taking the brush.

He painted over himself and was heald, but covered in rainbow paint.

"Hug?"He asked.

"No your covered in paint!"I exclaimed.

"You know you want a hug!"Ink said.

"Noo!"I exclaimed running downstairs and outside.

"Hugs!"Ink exclaimed running after me.

I jumped over the backyard fence and ran to the forest.Ink right behind me.I looked to se how close he was and tripped on a rock falling into a river.The current was really strong and I couldnt get a hold of land.I was floating twords the waterfall.

"Ink!"I yelled causing me to choke on some water.

I could see the waterfall coming closer and closer.I made it and was falling I closed my eyes and just kept falling, at least I thought so.I opened my eyes to see Ink holding me by my waist with on arm and holding onto the mountain with the other.

"Your safe Y/n, I'm here"Ink said.

"Please don't drop me!"I said.

I was terrified if I fell I would be dead tears of fear where filling my eyes.

"Calm down Y/n"Ink said.

He pulled he up a little more.

"Calm down so I can pull you up"Ink said.

I stayed tence.How was I supised to stay calm with ny life at risk?!

"Just look at me, relax"Ink said calmly.

I relaxed a little bit.

He pulled me up and we stood on a small ledge.I burried my head into his scarf causing my face to get covered in blue paint.

"Thank you..."I whispered.

"I don't want my promise to break, You promised to be mine and that's hard if your not here"Ink said.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"How about we go back inside"I said.

"Yeah, stay here don't look down okay" Ink said.

He climbed to the top.

"Now take my hand"He said.

I took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Hey, your Birthday is tomarrow correct?"Ink asked.

"Yeah"I said.

"Good because I have somthing planned"He said.

"Awsome, let's go get this paint off of us"I said.

"I'm covered you just have it on your face and shirt"He replied.

We went inside.I took a shower in the downstairs bathroom while Ink took one in the upstairs bathroom.When finished I got dressed in a pair of black basketball shorts a f/c hoddie and a white shirt.I went and played on the Xbox until Sans, Chara, and Toriel came downstairs.

"My child, me, Chara, and Sans need to talk to you.Come with us"Toriel said.

"Mkay mom..."I said.

We went into the basement and sat in the second family room.

"Listen, Y/n"Chara said.

"Oh here ya go! Kid, sorry you can't live here anymore!"Sans said.

Tears filled all of our eyes.

"Why!"I exclaimed.

"My child..."Toriel said.

"Stop Tori just tell her! Kid, the government is taking you away! They want to do tests on you because you have some sort of power they want!" Sans exclaimed slamming his fists on a coffe table.

"Any you just let it happen!"I exclaimed.

"No! Listen kid! I wasn't able to fight a was about to kill them all but Tori here held me back!"Sans said.

Toriel was about to cry.

"Fine I'll leave! But not with the government I'm going to live on my own!"I cried

I went upstairs and went into my room to see Ink painting on a canvas.

"Y/n! What's wrong!"He asked when he saw me.

"I'm moving out"I said.

"Why...."Ink asked.

He tried to give me a hug but I pushed him off.

"You wouldn't care!"I exclaimed.

He looked hurt by this.I got a bag of things and ran downstairs and out the front door.Ink was right behind me.

"Y/n!"Ink exclaimed.

I ran into the woods and Ink lost me.I wasn't ever going back to that house.I set up a small camp and fell asleep.

Sup guys let me just say I'm grateful for all of your guyses support and understanding. Luv Ya! As a friend...

Word Count: 785


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