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I woke up.I was on the floor, in a colorful rainbow room? I sat up and looked on the bed there layed Ink.

"Sans....thank you...."I whispered.

I got up.

"Error!"Ink exclaimed sitting up gripping his shirt.

"Ink, we're back"I said.

He let go and looked around.Sans came in.

"What about Error?!"He asked.

"We saw Error..."I said.

"That's were you guys were..."He said.

"Yeah, he tourchered Ink"I said.

"Don't talk about it"Ink said.

"Anyway, what's planed for today."I asked.

"For me Napping, Hanging with Frisk, teasing you and Ink, and teasing Undyne and Alphys"Sans said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh course, how about you Ink"I asked.

"Um, Teasing Sans and Frisk, Hanging out with you, and probably trying not to get killed by Tori"Ink said.

Sans started laughing and so did I.

"How am I supposed to explain what we did at Water fall and then what you, Sans, and I did at Grilbys?!"He asked.

"True, anyway I'm ganna go back to sleep"Sans said.

"Cya"I said.

Me and Ink went downstairs and saw Toriel.

"Morning mom!"I said.

"Ah, Ink time to explain"Toriel said.

We sat on the couch.

"What did you do at Grilbys?"She asked Ink.

"Uhhh....well you see....I didn't do anything besides take her home....Sans and her.....had a drinking contest and Y/n got drunk...."Ink said.

"What happened while she was drunk....."Toriel asked with anger in her voice.

"She kissed me twice, flirted with me and Sans, and that's it..."Ink replied.

She sighed.

"What did you do on your walk through Waterfall"She asked.

"We went to a lake and swam, then afterward Ink asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes"I explained.

"Ink, learn to be responsible"Toriel said.

"Yes M'am"Ink said.

"Y/n, child be responsible as well" Toriel said.

"Mkay mom!"I replied.

"You two may go"Toriel said.

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