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Chara sat on the couch with me while Ink was getting Sans.

"I told you! I don't like Sans and I don't like or think Frisk should like him!"Chara exclaimed.

"To bad! Your apologizing!"I replied.

"No I'm not!"Chara exclaimed.

"Well to bad! Your not leaving until you do!"I said.

"Whoa, calm down girls. We don't want pur house destroyed as well" Ink said.

Sans walled in behind him.

"Heya"He said.

"Don't Heya me comedian!"Chara said.

"Fine, So you ganna apologize? Or am I ganna stand here until you do?" He asked.

Chara POV

Oh I so wanted to use my knife.I really did.Y/n was here though and I couldn't do that to her.Sans was like her best friend.Know what? Forget Y/n I'm using my knife!

I walked up to Sans and he had a smirk on his face.I took a slash at him, but he teleported somewhere.

"Heya, Chara ya missed"He said.

A gaster blaster appeared behind me.

"Don't worry guys I'll only blast is needed" He said.

Y/n just stared at me full of disappointment.Ink just watched clearly focused on what was going on.
Ink then pulled out his paintbrush and painted me pink.

"What are you doing?!"I asked.

"This" Ink replied.

He snapped his fingers and I became trapped in pink chains.Sans started laughing and I glared at him.

"What, that's funny"Sans said.

"Okay, now we are fighting"I said.

I tried to get out of the chains, nothing happened.

"What the hell?!"I exclaimed.

"Can't get out of them, they have a magic ceal. Only I can let you out" Ink said.

Sans sat down on the couch and watched as I struggled.

"Oh wow Ink, I'm so happy you did that" Sans said.

"Chara apologize"Ink said.

"Fine, I'm sorry..."I said.

The chains disappeared and I rushed at Sans to be stoped by a wall of green paint.The chains returned, and I dropped the knife.Y/n picked it up.I was let go and the wall disappeared.

"Fine, but he's not living in the same house I am"I said.

"Welp I'm off to take my nap, you can go now Old Lady"Sans said.

Uhg that comedian can kill himself.

"I'm not an old lady!"I yelled.

"Oh sure, first human that fell I dunno 25 or so years ago, older than me if I'm entirely honest and you fell down at the age 10 to 13 so your around 40 years old in spirit"Sans said before he went upstairs.

Okay, now that comedian's DEFIANTLY dying! Or...~

"What would you think if I killed Y/n~" I said taking the knife from Y/n and holding it to her neak.

"Dont. You. dare."Ink said.

"Oh, Ink I dare~"I replied.

"Let go of Y/n Chara"Sans said.

"No, because I have someone that wants this glitch...Error come on out and get your glitch~"I said.

Error appeared next to me.

"H-H-Hello Rainbow boy"Error said.

"Error, the Glitch of all Glitches"Ink replied.

I gave Error Y/n and he dissapeared.

"Sans, get Chara...I'm after Error" Ink said before he dissapeared.

Me and Sans started our fight.


Error put me in chains next to Ink Papyrus.

"He didn't took him"I said.

"Y-Yeah, that R-R-Rainbow doesn't deserve t-to be happy"Error said.

"Error who is she?"Ink Papyrus asked.

"T-This Glitch I-I-is your brother's Fiance"Error said.

Ink appeared.

"Ink!"Papyrus exclaimed.

"P-Pap..."Ink said.

Error stood in bettween me and Papyrus.

"Choose"Error said.

"Y/n, I'm sorry....I-I choose Papyrus"Ink said.

I felt the blue cables wrap around my soul.They got tighter and tighter very slowly causing me to suffer.The a burst of pain hit me and my vision blurred.

My vision cleared and I saw.....


I am evil! Oh, and Underfell is still in the lead.

Word Count: 676


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