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Ink appeared along with Love, Blueberry, Classic, Sans, and Dance.I was unable to move, my soul being tied in blue strings.

"R-R-Rainbow, I s-see you brought t-the group"Error said.

"Ink!"I exclaimed.

He looked over at me.

"Y/n, if you die I die to"Ink said.

"No!"I exclaimed."I promised to you I know, but I'm a glitch Ink....don't die just because I did"

"Fine"He said.

Love, Dance, Sans, and Classic got Gaster Blasters.Blueberry got bone attacks and Ink got ready.

They all started fighting.It was happening so fast.What I did see was Ink hit Error causing Error to fall.With the last of his power he started to tighten the strings around my soul.I cried out in pain and they all rushed over.It was just hurting worse and worse, the burning feelings and feeling unable to breathe.Ink tried to cut the strings but couldn't.Sans looked at Error and made a non go through his body, then Error turned to dust.At least that's what we thought.The strings disappeared, and I fell to the floor gasping for air.Ink and Blueberry went straight to me.Floowed by Dance, Sans, Classic, and Love.

"Kid, are you okay now?"Dance asked.

"Yeah just in shock"I said.

I hugged Blueberry and thanked him.I then hugged Dance to thank him.Then, I hugged Sans to thank him.Next, I hugged Love wich was really akward since he tried to kiss me. Finally, I gave Ink a kiss to thank him.

"Where's Geno?"I asked.

"I don't know he just kinda disappeared" Sans said.

"Anyway, you guys should go back to your AU's, me, Classic, and Y/n will go to ours" Ink said.

They all nodded.Sans was the first to leave, then Blueberry, then Dance, and Finally Love.After they all left Sans(Undertale) teleported us home.No Government, no worries.

"Finally, I'm home"I said.

I knocked on the door and Alphys answered.

"Y-Y/n do you w-want to do the e-experiment?!"Alphys asked.

I nodded I was REALLY excited.We went into Alphys's mini lab in her room and she got a shot.

"Is this ganna hurt"I asked.

"J-Just a little"She replied.

She gave me a shot in the arm.I felt sleepy and soon I fell asleep.

Time skip to when you wake up Ink POV

They have been up there half an hour so I went to check on them.I walked into the room, Y/n was laying on the bed and my eyes widened when I saw her.She was a neko!(Is that what there called a human, with cat ears and tail is a neko right?)

"Oh My God Shes Adorable!"I exclaimed.

She had a f/c tail and ears.She began to wake up.

"Huh, where am I"She asked.

"Alphys and Undyne's room"I replied.

She sat up and looked at me.

"What did the shot do to me?"She asked.

"Umm, you may have turned into a neko"I said.

She looked behind her and saw her tail.

"Oh My God! Yes!"She exclaimed.

I just smiled seeing she was happy.

"What do you think?"She asked.

"I think its adorable"I replied.

"Anyway, let's head to bed.I'm tiered" She said.

"Okay"I replied as we walked to our room.

We got in bed, but couldn't fall asleep.Soon I herd Y/n purr and I saw she was touching her ear.I laughed a little and she glared at me.

"Don't touch my ears okay"She said before she yawned.

"Okay"I replied.

Soon, she fell asleep laying her head on my chest.I fell asleep soon after her.

Heya guys wanted to say thanks for almost 4K you are all amazing and the book is coming to a close :(
In a A/n q couple of parts later I will ask you to vote on what Sans you want and X Reader of.So stay reading for that!

Word Count: 665


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