
2.9K 105 146


Inks phone started ringing.He looked at it.

"Oh my god"He said.

"What"I asked.

"I'll be right back I have to take this"Ink said.

"Okay"I replied.

Who was it?


I walked out of the room and answered the phone.

"....Ella! Your alive!.....why haven't you called!......I could see why you thought that......what town....oh I live there I'm in a tall brown house that's really the waterfall and river....cya there I have a suprise....bye"I hung up.

I can't believe it, Ella is alive.I haven't seen her in almost 12 years...
I walked back into the room.

"Y/n, come outside I want you to meet someone"I said.

"Okay..."Y/n replied.

We stood out side and I saw her coming.

"Ella!"I exclaimed.

"Ink! It's been so long"She replied.

'I see you kept you hair blue"I said.

"Yeah, I see your now a human, not in your usual clothes, and have hot pink hair"Ella said.

"Okay, the hair wasn't me"I replied.

"Who's this neko here"Ella asked.

"I'm y/n! Nice to meet you!"Y/n said.

"Hey, I'm Ella! Inks adopted sister" Ella said.

"Wow, cool"Y/n replied.

"Ella, she's my Fiancee"I said.

"Whoa, Whoa really congrats!"She said.

"Thanks, your invited to the wedding to"I said.

"Awsome, I'll be there!"She said.

"Do you have a home, or anywhere to stay?"Y/n asked.

"Nope, do you have a room I could barrow"Ella asked.

"Yeah, back at our house"I replied.

"Awsome, well were are we now?" Ella asked.

"Um, Undertale house I guess you could call it.Classic and everyone live here"I said.

"I haven't seen Classic in a long time!" Ella said.

"Yeah, let's go inside"I said.

"Mkay"Ella replied.

She put her paintbrush on her back and we went inside.

"Classic!"Ella exclaimed picking up Sans and hugging him.

"Sup Ella, call me Sans"Sans said.


Ella put Sans down, and walked up to me.

"Hey, Y/n can we talk?"She asked.

"Y-Yeah sure!"I replied.

Me and Ella walked outside to talk.

"So, Y/n? Are you and Ink planning on having kids?"Ella asked.

"Ummmm, we haven't really talked about it..."I said.

"Ah, I see. Anyway how long have you known Ink?"Ella asked.

"Almost three years..."I replied.

"Nice, did you dye his hair?"Ella asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, he males fun of me for being a neko so I got payback"I replied.

"Nice! That deserves a high five"She said.

We high fived and laughed.

"So, are you older than Ink?"I asked.

"No I'm the middle child, Papyrus is younger than me but Ink is older"Ella said.

I sighed.

"What's wrong Y/n?"Ella asked.

"Do you know what happened to Papyrus? Your Papyrus?"I asked.

"N-No..."Ella said.

"Error made a clone of me and it killed Papyrus, then he erased Inktale" I said.

"I-I never herd about this...."Ella said.

"Yeah, I figured so. I'm sorry for your loss"I said.

"It's okay, but how did Error make a clone of you?"She asked.

"He got a piece of my hair and he kissed me..."I said.

"You just let him!"Ella exclaimed.

"N-No! He was hurting Ink, and I was in fear shock!"I said.

She pulled her paintbrush off her back.I fell backward on the ground and she pointed it at me.

"So, you stood there and did nothing?! You just pretty much just said oh yeah I don't care if Papyrus dies and a universe gets erased!"Ella said.

Ink and Sans walked out.Ink saw Ella, pulled out his paintbrush, and pushed hers away from me.

"Ella!"Ink exclaimed.

"Oh god! I'm sorry Y/n! I lost my temper!"Ella apologized.

"I-It's okay"I replied.

Ink helped me up and put his paintbrush back onto his back.

"Ella, I see your temper isn't any better" Sans said.

"What do you think?! I just almost killed my brother's fiancee!"Ella said.

"Eh, I'm okay with it"I said as I shrugged.

"How?!"Ella asked.

"I mean, I've fought Asgore, and almost the whole underground.It a normal acurence to be threatened or almost killed now"I said.

"Dinner!"Toriel yelled.

"Comming Mom!"I yelled."let's go guys"

We all went inside and ate dinner.After dinner we went home and went to bed.

Hey guys! I really want to say thank you for almost 5K! This is the fastest growing story I've written so far! Thank you!

Word Count: 782


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