Pt. 7

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"Ready?"I asked.

"Yup!"Ink replied.

We walked inside and Ink went up to Grilby.What was going on? Grilby nodded and walked into a different room.

"Sorry, let's sit over there"Ink said.

We sat in a booth next to the door.I felt so cufused.Grilby walked over and gave me a letter along with my food.He also gave Ink his food.Grilby left and I looked at Ink.

"Open it"He said.

I opened the letter.

"Dear, Y/n

You gave me happiness and hope.You showed me true friendship.We always help each other and I wanted to tell you somthing...."I read aloud.

"Y/n, will you go on a date with me. I really like you"Ink asked.

Inside I was squealing with happiness.

"Ink I really like you two"I said."So Yes!"

"Great we will go tomarrow morning" Ink said.

"Great"I replied.

The rest of the night went normally. We ate and shared puns.When we finished we pay and thanked Grilby.We then left and went back to Ink's house.

"Thanks Ink, I'm really excited"I said

"Y/n it was no problem at all"Ink replied.

"Well I'm ganna go back to my house and grab my stuff"I said.

"Okay"Ink replied.

I walked home and knocked on the door.Sans answered holding three bags.

"So, I figured that you needed these" He said.

"Yup, I forgot to grab them before I left"I replied.

"Cya kid"Sans said.

"Bye Sans!"I replied going back to Ink's house.I got to the door and herd a loud crash.

I dropped the bags and ran in.There I saw Ink thrown against a wall and another skeleton Sans infront of him.

"H-H-Hello there"The skeleton said.

"Who, no what are you"I asked.

"I-I-I'm Error Sans c-c-call me Error" Error said.

"Y/n, leave now"Ink said weakly.

"Ink?"I asked.

"Go, he's ganna-Gah!"I.k exclaimed as he got thrown across the room.

"Ink!"I exclaimed.

"Run, take this to Sans you'll be safe with him"He said handing me his big paintbrush.

"But Ink-"I said.

"Go run, I'll be fine"He said as he tried to stand up.

"No, I'm not leaving"I said.

"Y/n calm down"Ink said.

I sighed.

"Ink, I don't want to leave"I said.

"Please....go..."Ink said.

"Ink..."I sighed.

"Gah!"Ink exclaimed as he was lifted of the ground.

"Let him go!"I yelled.

"O-O-Or what you cry"Error asked.

"Let him go!"I yelled louder.

The room started to glow f/c.

"Y/N!"Ink exclaimed.

"Let him go and leave!"I yelled.

The house shook and the glow got brighter.Ink fell onto the floor and Error was gone.The room went back to normal.

"Y/n, y-you have powers?"Ink asked.

"I didn't know, here get up"I said.

I helped him up and he winced in pain I saw his leg was broken.

"Are you okay?!"I asked.

"Yeah give me my paintbrush"Ink said.

I gave him his paintbrush.He sat down and healed his leg.Then he set the paintbrush down.I sat down next to him.

"Y/n, you have a power. The power of Hope and Love combined"Ink said.

"Really"I asked.

"Yes, you can't tell anyone besides me and Sans, okay"Ink said.

"Okay"I replied.

"Well, how about we watch a movie" Ink said.

"Mkay, but first let me go change"I replied.

I grabbed my bags from outside, they were a little wet from the snow.I brought them into Inks room and quickly changed into f/c footie pajamas and took off the flower crown.I left and went back downstairs.Ink smiled when I walked in.

"You have the personality of I child, its cute"Ink said.

I blushed a bit and sat on the couch.

"What movie are we watching"I asked.

"Wanna watch a kids movie?"Ink asked.

"YEAH!"I exclaimed.

"Okay Home, Wall-E, or Despicable Me?"He asked.

"Hmm, how about Home"I said.

He put the movie in and sat next to me on the couch.We watched the movie and soon fell asleep laying on Ink's shoulder.

Somehow I got the chapter out Yay! I did.t think I would be able to type it in time. Bye and thank you for wishing me to get better it makes my heart not feel sad.Man, that sounded lame.Bye

Word Count: 745


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