Pt. 9

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I yawned and streached.I looked up at Ink and smiled with a little blush on my cheaks.I got up, kissed his head, and left to go to Asgore.I wanted to go back to the surface.I walked threw Hotland and soon made it to a long hallway.There near the end I saw Sans.

"Listen kid, if you wanna break the barrier you have to give up your soul. If you want to go threw on your own you'll have to kill the king, king Asgore.You will be judged on how much Lv. Or Love you gained.You have none, the king will notice this.Good luck kid, I'm rootin for ya"Sans said before teleporting away.

I walked through the door and saw a tall goat creature, like Mom.

"Ah, you are the human"He said.

"Yes I am"I replied.

"I am king Asgore, king of the Underground"Asgore said.

"We have to battle, but I will not fight"I said.

"Then good luck I wish to you"Asgore said.

I got ready.He pulled out his weapon and got rid of mercy.We bagan to battle and act wasn't doing anything.I had to fight.I fought feeling really guilty.After awhile I was at five health and Asgore was at ten.White little orbs hit Asgore and he fell reveling Flowey.I helped Asgore up and spared him.Flowey disappeared into the ground.All of my friends appeared and I talked to them.They were proud I decided to stay.All of a studded vines captured them and took their souls.

"YoU iDiOtS! wHiLe YoU wErE tAlKiNg I tOoK tHe SoUlS!"Flowey said.

Flowey transformed into a giant plant monsters.We had to battle the human souls started to heal me and I won.It wasn't over.When defeated, he turned into this goat god.His name was Asriel Dreamurr.I called out for Toriel and Asgore.They didn't remember me I had to tell them memories.I talked about baking pies with Mom and helping Asgore from the suprise attack.They remembered and stoped fighting me.I then called for Undyne and Alphys they didn't remember, so I reminded Undyne of saving me from the fire.I reminded Alphys about watching and talking about Anime.They remembered and stoped fighting me.I was at 9 heath so I could survive still.

I called out for Mettaton and reminded her of talking about our crushes and doing poses.Mettaton remembered and did a quick pose.I then called for Sans and Papyrus.Papyrus was easy I just told him how we cooked spaghetti.He remembered easily.I was still fighting Sans though. He shot a Gaster blasted and it hit me arm.I was down to one heath.I told him about his secret lab and how I spilt the magic paint.He almost remembered.He shot me with a bone and it hit the arm he blasted I was now at 0.5 heath.I couldn't move.I told Sans a pun and he remembered. I called out for Ink he came didn't remember a thing luckily it was my move first.I told him about our date and he remembered.I finally called out for Asriel, the Asriel that was kind.He yelled and used a rainbow shooter it hit ne and did nothing.He then fell and was the normal Asriel.

"I'm sorry, so so sorry!"Asriel cried.

He walked away and I didn't see him.I looked up and saw the mountain and the city.The barrier was broken.I stood there my arm unable to move.I walked over to all of the others they were out cold.I went to Papyrus.

"P-Pap wake up"I said.

He sat up after a minute.He grabbed my arm accidently and I screamed in pain.Papyrus let go and gasped.

"I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS AM SO SORRY!"Papyrus exclaimed.

My eyes were filled with tears of pain.Toriel rushed over along with Undyne and Asgore.

"It's so bad we can't heal it, whi did this"Toriel asked.

"Mom, don't be mad it was Sans"I said.

"What?!"She exclaimed.

Alphys and Mettaton rushed over.

"Oh my!"Mettaton exclaimed.

"Oh, Y/n it looks unhealable"Alphys said.

"Were are, Sans and Ink"I asked.

"They arn't waking up"Mettaton said.

"I'll go cheack on them c'mon Papyrus" Undyne said.

"Im feeling dizzy"I said.

"Your lossing a lot of blood"Alphys said.

"Ink, can heal it"I said.

"Wait really!?"Alphys asked.

"Yeah, go get him"I said my eyes getting heavy.

Asgore, left to go wake him up.After a minute I layed on the ground.My eyelids really heavy.I had to stay awake.

"Y/n!"I herd Ink exclaim.

He held me closely and healed my arm.I fell asleep in Inks arms


"Guys, she's healed. She just fell asleep of exhaustion"I said.

"Thank the heavens"Toriel said.

All of the others agreed.I still held Y/n her h/c hair everywhere.

"Wake Sans up, I need to take care of Y/n"I said.

They all nodded and went over to Sans.I carried Y/n outside.I herd a yawn and looked down at her.She was waking up.

"Ink?"She asked.

I kissed her.She was suprised bit kissed back.We parted.

"Who hurt you"I asked.

"Sans"She replied.

"Oh, memory loss caused him-okay"I said.

"Are we free"She asked.

"Yeah, you freed us all"I replied.

She smiled and looked around.All of the others came out.We were all in awe, except for Sans.He was full of guilt, he didn't talk.Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, and Alphys ran down the mountain.Asgore and Toriel followed them leaving me, Sans, and Y/n.We herd yelling from bellow and we rushed down the mountain.People were being help back by police.

"Y/n!"One spoke up.

She hid behind me and Sans.

"You need to go back home Y/n, its the law!"Another one exclaimed.

Some of the croud passed through and walked up to me and Sans.

"Give us Y/n!"One yelled.

"No she save us from the trap we were locked in, she deserves to stay with us the ones that guided her on the right path."Sans said.

"She needs to be with her family!"One yelled.

"We are her family"Sans said.

"It's the law!"A couple yelled.

They pushed Sans aside and one man grabbed Y/n and carried her down the mountain.

"We need to get her back"I said.

"Yeah, I own my life to that kid"Sans said.

"I'm going to follow them, you and the others think of a plan."I said.

Sans nodded and I teleported away to somewhere, where I could follow them.


Word Count: 1089


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