Pt. 3

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I woke up on Sans and Papyrus's couch.Was that a dream? Sans came downstairs and came over to me.

"Where did you go?"He asked."you spilt the paint didn't you"

I nervously laughed and sat up.

"Maby...."I said.

"Did you accidentally fall into the paint?"Sans asked.

"Yes"I mumbled.

"So, you met the other me Ink"Sans said.

I nodded.

"Kid, how did you even spill the paint" Sans asked.

"I-I tripped on the tire on Papuyrus's race car bed"I said nervously.

"Don't be scared, as long as you found Ink and he got you back its okay" Sans said.

"C-Can I ever see him again?"I asked.

"Yeah why"Sans asked.

"Hes been alone for almost 9 years Sans when I went there I saw Ink was happy to finall-wait what's that...the flower!"I said.

I grabbed the flower and the note.

"Dear Y/n,

I herd you fall asleep so I took you back home.If Sans allows you your welcomed to come back.Don't worry about water for the flower its magic.Anyway hope to see you soon!

Love, Ink"I read allowed.

"You want to go see him"Sans asked.

"Yeah!"I said."let me get ready"

I ran upstairs.I put on black leggings and brown short shorts over them.I then put on boots, a brown t-shirt, and a F/C sweatshirt over it.I then ran back downstairs.

"I'm ready, oh wait forgot to brush my hair."I said.

I ran into the bathroom still holding the flower Ink gave me.I brushed my hair with a brush Papyrus got for me from Mettaton.I then smiled the flower was the same color as my sweatshirt, f/c.I smiled and pit the flower in my hair.I then ran up to Sans.

"Now I'm ready!"I said.

"Okay, but kid. You can't tell ANYONE about this"Sans said.

"I promise I won't as long as I'm able to see Ink and make him happy"I replied.

"Okay, then follow me"Sans said.

We went outside and to the back of the house.There was a seceret door that Sans went through so I followed. We were in a lab?

"This is my working place follow me to the room the holds a paint portal to Ink's void"Sans said.

"Okay"I said.

We went into the room and there were only paint buckets on the walls.
Sans grabbed a bucket and spit it on the floor.

"Step on in, kid"Sans said.

I stepped onto the pain and I was in the white void.

"Hello Ink! You here!"I called out.


"Hello Ink! You there!"Someone called.

'It must be Y/n'I thought.

I walked around a bit until I saw her in the distance, she was looking the opposite was.I ran up to her and grabbed her arms.

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