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I woke up and Ink was still asleep, I went downstairs and made some eggs and toast for breakfast.Ink came downstairs and got some aswell.

"Ink, we need a kitchen table, we can't eat in the living room forever"I said.

"I know your right"Ink said.

"And a bigger couch, and furniture for the spare bedrooms"I commented.

"I get it we need a lot of things"Ink replied.

"Yeah, any ideas for the basement"I asked.

"Nope"Ink replied.

"How about a game room, full of fun games and like a second living room" I suggested.

"Yeah, it would be good for our kids" Ink said.

"What?"I asked.

He blushed deeply.

"N-Nothing!"Ink exclaimed.

"Welp, I'm ganna go to the old house to vist"I said changing the subject.

"Yeah, you hang out there I'll buy new furniture and stuff"Ink said.

"Mkay"I replied.

We both went upstairs and quickly changed.Ink went to the furniture store and I went to the old house.I knocked on the door and Sans answered.

"Oh hey Y/n"He said.

"Wheres Mom?"I asked.

"Um, I think she's reading downstairs" He replied.

"K thanks Sans"I said.

I went downstairs.

"Mom!"I exclaimed.

"Hello my child what do you need" She asked.

"It got really akward today..."I said.

"What? Please explain?"She said.

"Well, me and Ink were eating breakfast and I was talking about how much furniture we still need to buy. Then we talked about what to do with the basement, I suggested we make it a game room or living room type thing.Then Ink said that would be good for our kids.I immediately changed the subject, but it was still awkward!"I explained.

"My child calm down, I bet you it was just an accident"Toriel replied.

"Thanks mom, can I hang here for awhile? Inks buying more furniture so I have nothing to do at home"I said.

"Stay as long as you like my child" She said.

"Thanks mom love you!"I said.

"I love you to"She replied.

I ran upstairs to see everyone having a video game competition.

"Hey can I join?"I asked.

"Yeah this is the first round so your right on time"Sans said.

"Awsome"I said sitting on the couch next to Frisk and Undyne.

We soon got to the final three rounds.Sans vs Chara and after them was going to be me vs Undyne.Sans one there fight, and it was close.I won our battle against Undyne and she almost broke the controller.The finall battle, me vs Sans.It was ganna be hard but I was up for it.Mid round Sans cheated and flipped my h/c hair into my face.He won.

"Cheater!"I exclaimed.

"Oops"Sans said with a smirk.

'Uhg!"I complained.

I fixed my hair and looked at the clock.

"Cya, I gatta go home guys!"I said.

"Cya"Everyone said.

I left and went home to see Ink passed out on the couch, a kitchen table set up, and a note.

"I may be asleep, but go downstairs" I read quietly.

I went downstairs and saw a small living room with an Xbox one and a Wii.The other half of the room had a mini air hokey table and colorful carpet.The walls were covered in shelves, but were all empty.

"Ink you work to hard..."I sighed.

I went back upstairs and kissed Ink on the head before going upstairs and going to bed

Next morning

I woke up and took a quick shower and got dressed in shorts and a f/c hoddie.I went downstairs to see Ink already made breakfast.

"Ink you seriously did all that while I was gone?"I asked.

"Yeah, I also furnished the two spare bedrooms and sent out the wedding invitations"Ink said.

I gave him a quick kiss.

"Don't work to hard, your ganna get stressed"I said.

"I know"Ink replied.

"Anyway, do you know who is ganna be your best man"I asked.

"Yeah, Sans"Ink said.

"My Maid of Honnor is going to be Mettaton"I said.

"Why?"Ink asked.

"I don't know, I don't want it to be one of my sisters and I'm not that good of friends with Alphys and Undyne"I said"plus she was the planner of most of my parties"

"I see your point, next is dress or a tux for everyone"Ink said.

"How about simply a normal black tux with f/c tie and white dresses with f/c bow around the waist. Then all we need is a wedding dress"I said.

"Okay, we can worry about that later. We need an outfit for the priest"Ink said.

"White or black clothes"I asked.

"how about black"Ink said.

"Malt its settled"I said.

"Yup just need the day to come and your dress"Ink replied.

"Now I'm excited the whole getting married in two months"I said

"I am to" Ink replied.

thank you for your support!

Word Count: 842


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