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Me and Ella hung out all day until Ella went to sleep.I sat in the couch alone for an hour before Ink came home.

"Ink your home!"I exclained tackling him into a hug.

"Hey!"He replied.

"So, what did Gaster say?"I asked.

"He's going to work on a cure"Ink said.

"Great!"I replied.

"Anyway, let's go to bed I'm tired"Ink said.

I nodded and we went in bed.I cuddled up to Ink and soo fell asleep.

Morning Ink POV

I woke up and realized I was cuddling Y/n.I got up quietly and went downstairs to cook breakfast.When I went into the kitchen there was a note.

"Dear Bro and Future Sis

I'll be back I need to go somewhere for a week. I'll still be there for the wedding don't worry!

Love, Ella"It said.

"Okay so Ellas gone so i don't have to cook as much"I said.

I made waffles and set the table.Y/n kissed my cheak.

"Mornin"She said.

"Moring Y/n"I replied.

"Did you know three years ago exactly today me and you met?"Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I got you a gift"I replied.

"What is it because I got you a gift to" Y/n asked.

"You can have your present after breakfast"I said.

"Okay then, same for you" She replied.

After Ink and Y/n Finish Eating

"I'll give you yours first, its downstairs in a box"I said.

"Okay..."Y/n replied.

We went downstairs, Y/n opened the box and squealed.

"You got me the kitten Sans?!"Y/n exclaimed.

"Yeah"I replied.

"I love him! Thank you!"Y/n exclaimed.

"What are we going to call him?"I asked.

"Just Sans and when were around Sans, we can call him S" Y/n said.

Sans started to put his paw on Y/n's ear.She laughed.

"Cat buddies!"She exclaimed"Okay, my gift isn't this good I just got you a bigger room for paintings, A LOT more supplies, and more canvases"

"Yes!"I exclaimed.

We went unstairs Sans following us.The best part about Sans is even though he's a cat he's as smart as the classic Sans and he still has powers.At of a sudden my face got covered in paint.Y/n had paint all over her hand.

"Oh now this is war"I said.

We began a paint fight....

After the paint fight

The walls covered in paint.Sans was now a rainbow cat.Me and Y/n were now covered in paint.

"Ill give Sans a bath, you take a shower in the upstairs bathroom, I have my tricks"I said.

I focused all of the Ink to my hand and I was clean.Y/n left to take a shower and I led Sans downstairs.

"You a Sans, not full cat so you like water correct?"I asked.

The cat nodded.I picked it up and set it in the bath.

Another time skip!!

We relaxed and sat on the couch Sans sitting in my lap as I pet him.

"Want me to make your hair normal again?"Y/n asked.

"Yes!!"I exclaimed.

"Okay, let me get my hair dye remover"Y/n said going upstairs.

She came back down minutes later and put a kind of gel I'm my hair.

"There, in five minutes take a shower and your hair will be white and rainbow again"Y/n said.

"Awsome!"I replied.

We sat on the couch and watched Sans play with a Gaster Blaster he made.

"I love how he still has powers like Sans"Y/n said.

"Yeah, he's as smart as Sans to"I said.

"Wow, that's really smart considering he used to be a assistant scientist"Y/n said.

I nodded in response.My timer went off.

"Time for my hair to no longer be pink"I said.


I watched as Sans jumped on the Gaster Blaster and began to fly around after Ink left.

"Sans, can you talk?"I asked.

Sans jumped into my lap and nodded.

"How come you don't"I asked.

"Because it sounds like this" Sans said.

His voice sounded really high pitched.

"Oh"I replied.

I fixed his little cat hoddie and put him back on the Gaster Blaster.A couple minutes later Ink came down and his hair was back to normal.

"Hey Ink did you know Sans could talk?"I asked.

"Yeah, remember? Ink creator of the AU's?"Ink asked.

"Oh yeah"I replied.

"Anyway its getting late, we should go to bed"Ink said.

"What about your nightmares"I asked.

"I didn't have one last night, plus its just a nightmare"Ink said

"Okay...Sans can sleep here on the couch, or in Ellas bed while she's gone"I said.

Sans jumped off the Gaster Blaster and layed down on the couch.I pet his head.

"Night Sans"I said.

"Night!"He replied.

Me and Ink went upstairs and soon fell asleep.

Sorry for the time skips!

Word Count: 836


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