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The next day

I woke up at 3 in the morning to Sanmie crying.

"Awe, your okay....shhh.."I said holding her.

She soon fell asleep and I set her back into her crib.Someone grabbed my tail.I quickly turned around and saw Jaxton.

"Oh it you Jaxton, what's wrong"I asked while whispering.

"I had a nightmare"Jaxton replied in a whisper.

"Let's go downstairs and talk about it" I whispered.

(Oh By the way this is going to be the worst ending part ever)

He took my hand and we went downstairs, we sat on the couch.

"So, What was the nightmare about"I asked.

"My parents.."Jaxton replied his eyes tearing up.

I hugged him tightly.

"Want to know something?"I asked.

"Yeah, what is it..."Jaxton asked.

"I'm going to adopt you later today"I said.

His eyes were filled with joy.He hugged me.

"Thank you Y/n"He said.

"Your welcome, I know how you feel" I replied.

He yawned.

"Ready for bed?"I asked.

Jaxton nodded.We both went upstairs and back to bed.

Morning Jaxton POV

I woke up and went to Sanmie's crib.

"I'm going to be your big bro soon.."I said.

I ticked her and she started giggling. I picked her up and carried her downstairs. Ink looked at me.

"Hey Jaxton"He said.

"Hey soon to be adoptive dad"I said.

"Wow that's specific"Ink replied with a smirk.

"Can you take Sanmie so I can have breakfast?"I asked.

"Yeah, sure"Ink replied.

Ink took Sanmie and I went into the kitchen to search for something to have for breakfast. Soon I found a granola bar.

"Awsome! Chocolate!"I said.

I quickly opened and ate the granola bar. I went back into the living room to see Ella and Y/n, with Ink and Sanmie.

"Mornin"I said.

"Oh, morning Jaxton" Y/n said.

"Mornin Jax"Ella said.

"I'm going to go and officially adopt you, I'll be back around noon"Y/n said.

"Okay"I replied.

She gave Ink a kiss, kissed Sanmie's head, then kissed my head.

"Where's my kiss"Ella teased.

Y/n laughed and kissed Ella's cheak.

"Okay, now that was a joke"Ella said.

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