Pt. 8

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I woke up with my h/c hair infront of my eyes.I moved my hair out of my eyes and looked up.I saw that I was on the couch with Ink.I blushed as red as a cherry and slowly got up.I went into the kitchen and made waffles.When finished I sat down and began eating.All of a sudden Ink put his hands on my shoulders.

"Mornin, I see you made food"Ink said.

I was now blushing again and did.t make eye contact.

"Y-Yeah, I made you some.It's in t-the kitchen"I said.

"You okay Y/n?"He asked.

"Y-Yeah! I-I'm fine!"I said.

"Okay..."He replied before walking into the kitchen.

He then came back and sat next to me.

"So, are you excited still"He asked.

"Of c-course"I said.

He put his hand on my forehead.My blush was about to Ho away and got darker.

"You sure your okay?"He asked.

"I'm just f-fine"I said.

He took his hand off my head.

"Okay, anyway I'm finished. I'm going to get ready for our date"Ink said.

He took his plate into the kitchen.I finished and went into the kitchen.

"Ink?"I asked.

No response.

"Ink where are you? Come on Ink, this isn't funny"I said.

"Boo!"Ink exclaimed picking me up by my waist.

I yelled.

"Ink! Don't do that!"I exclaimed.

I was a bright red.Are faces were an inch apart.

"I'm sorry Y/n"Ink said.

"Heh, and you call me the child"I said.

He put me down.

"Anyway, go grab your clothes and get ready. Dress warmly"Ink said.

"Okay"I replied.

I ran upstairs and got dressed in a f/c coat with a black shirt underneath.Black jeans with grey and f/c hightops.I put my h/c hair in a pony tail.I went downstairs to see Ink in a brown jacket and black jeans with black shoes.

"Ready"He asked.

"Yup!"I replied.

"Okay, close your eyes"He said.

"Mkay"I said as I closed my eyes.

Ink picked me up and carried me somewhere.I was blushing a lot.I got set down on some sort of wood.

"Don't open your eyes yet"Ink said.

"Okay"I said.

Ink took off my shoes and put somthing else on my feet.

"What are you doing"I asked.

"It's a surprise"Ink said.

After two minutes I got worried.

"Ink can I open my eyes now"I asked.

"Yeah take my hand and stand up, and then open your eyes"Ink said.

I took Ink's hand and stood up.I was in skates?I opened my eyes and looked around.We were in a forest infront of a frozen lake.

"Wow"I said.

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