Pt. 11

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I woke up to Chara shaking me.

"Y/n your getting adopted!"Chara said.

"Oh, really"I asked.

"Yeah, it was good knowin ya"Chara said.

"No watch I'll get them to adopt all three of us!"I said.

"Sure you will"She replied sarcastically.

I walked out of the room and saw Toriel and Ms.Shine.

"Mom!"I exclaimed hugging her.

"Mom?"Ms.She asked.

"I was her mother in the Underground"Toriel explained.

Ms.Shine nodded.

"Ah then this should be easy"She said.

"Wait mom can you adopt two others along with me"I asked.

"Um, I shall have to meet them them I'll decide"Toriel said.

"Yay!"I said.

"What girls?"Ms.Shine asked.

"Frisk and Chara"I said.

"Okay"Ms.Shine said.

She pulled out a device.

"Frisk and Chara come to my office you are being seen for adoption"Ms.Shine said.

Soon Chara and Frisk walked in.Chara smiled at me and Frisk gave me a hug.

"Mom, this is Frisk she's 16 like me and her older sister Chara who's 17"I said.

"Hello children"Toriel said."I am Toriel"

"Nice to meet you Toriel, sorry if Frisk doesn't talk she's very shy" Chara said.

"It is no problem, anyway how Lang have you been here if you don't mind me asking"Toriel said.

"Well we've been in the orphanage for 10 years"Chara replied.

"Ah, how would you like living with monsters"Toriel asked.

"Well Frisk is shy and would need time to adjust, but for me as long as they are as nice as you I don't see a problem at all"Chara replied.

"Great!"Toriel said.

"So, are you taking all three"Ms.Shine asked.

Toriel nodded.Ms.Shine smiled.

"Girls say hello to your new sister and mother"Ms.Shine said.

"Yay, let's go home and introduce Chara and Frisk to everyone"I said.

"Thank you Ms.Shine"Toriel said.

We walked out and up the mountain.

"Are we going back to the underground?"I asked

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