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"So, why am I here"I asked.

"Two or three reasons I depends if I can remember all three"Sans said.

I turn to Sans(HumanTale).

"1, You have been having visions about us. 2, We need to talk about helping Error. 3, Your a glitch as you know, so we wanted to meet you.Well some of us did"He explained.

"Ah, so do you want me to kill you"I said.

"No, I'm just saying we wanted to meet you"He replied.

"I'm goin back to my AU cya" Fell said.

He vanished.Geno was staring at the scarf around his neack.I hugged him again, I felt bad he was to always be sad and alone.

"Heh...y-you...really like hugs huh?" Geno said tearing up.

"I want to be your friend"I said.

He hugged me tighter.

"Thank you..."He replied.

(Awe I know the next x reader book I'm making after this one!)

I separated from the hug.

"Can I have a hug to~"Love asked.

Me, Geno, and Ink glared at him.He smiled and pulled me closer.He kept his grip and I couldn't get free.

"Help"I said.

"Uhg, Love let her go"Geno said.

"Hey! Take your hands off of my Girlfriend!"Ink said.

"Ohh, are you jealous Ink~"Love asked.

"Please no"I whispered.

Love kissed me and I tryed to push away.I finally pushed away.

"Just stop!"I exclaimed kicking him in the ribs.

He fell backwards on the ground.

"Feisty~"Love said.

I growled.

"Wow, I guess yoy got him off for now" Dance said.

"I have to go to my AU bye Y/n" Nature said.

"Bye"I replied before he vanished.

"I'm going aswell, Frisk is probably lonely and going insane"G said.

"Okay, Bye G!"I said before he vanished aswell.

"Meow"The kitten said.

I looked sown and saw the white kitten with the blue sweatshirt.I picked him up.

"Awe!"I said.

"Is it that cute to see HIM as a cat" Ink asked pointing at Classic.

"Dude! I'm not that bad! Horror is worse!"Classic said.

"You wanna have a bad time!"Horror asked getting his axe ready.

"Stop!"I yelled.

"Sorry.."They both said.

I herd a teleporting noise.Someone played with my hair, it felt to much like when Error did it.I got tence.

"Relax Glitch, I'm MafiaTale Sans" He said.

I relaxed a bit.

"Still tence eh?"He said.

I looked around the void, no one but me and MafiaTale Sans.

"Where is everyone?"I asked my voice sounding shaky.

"Don't worry Sweetheart they're okay"He said.

I still didn't look at his face, he stayed behind me and played with my hair.

"What do you want with me?"I asked.

"I want to talk to you, just you and me" He said

"What about?"I asked.

"You"He replied"But first look at me"

I tenced and turned around, he was just slightly taller than Sans (Classic) but still shorter than G.He was in a hat and suit.

"Now, what do you see in Ink?"He asked.

"An artist mind that loves to be creative and is caring"I said.

He lifted my chin so I looked at him.

"I made a deal with a skeleton just like him what was his name, oh yeah.....Ink"He said as he smirked.

"W-What?"I asked.

"He told me, if I gave a glitch to Error. He'd get rid of Chara, in my AU"He said.

"H-He-"I tried to say.

"Your a Glitch, your not supposed to exist. So, that means I take you to Error"He said."Thanks kid, I'll tell Ink ya miss him"

My vision blurred, when it cleared I was alone laying on the floor.There was a teleporting noise and Error appeard infront of me.

"Ah, Y-Y-Y/n you h-here"He said.

"Please don't kill me!"I exclaimed.


Mafia Sans appeared and dissapeared along with y/n.Why whould he do that?Then I remembered the deal.

"Guys big problem"I said.

"What?"Classic asked.

"Y/n is with Error"I said.

"What?! We can't save her, Error will kill us!"Sans said.

"I'll do anything for my love~"Love said.

"Who's coming?"I asked.

Classic, Love, Sans, Dance,  and Blueberry came and Horror, Little, and kitten stayed.We all teleported to Error's void. A battle was about to happen.

Clif hanger! Tomarrow the next chapter should come out! The battle is about to happen!

Word Count: 756


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