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Time skip two days later (Wedding)

I was in a room and Mettaton was helping me with my wedding dress.

"Darling~You look absolutely fabulous~"Mettaton said.

"Thanks"I replied.

"Punk! You look awsome!"Undyne said.

"My Child, you look beautiful"Toriel said.

"Y-You look e-even more beautiful than y-you did at our wedding" Alphys said shyly.

"You look beautiful Y/n!"Frisk exclaimed.

"You look nice"Chara said.

"Thanks guys"I replied.

Muffet examined my dress.

"Um, Muffet what are you doing?"I asked.

"Oh~ I think you should have a yellow flower at the side~ To mach the yellow flowers in our hair~"Muffet said.

"Wonderful idea Darling~"Mettaton said.

Mettaton put a yellow flower on the side, and I have to admit it looked really nice.

"Frisk get your basket of flowers, the wedding starts soon"I said.

"Okay!"She said running off.

She wore a white/yellow knee high dress with a yellow flower in her hair.
The others wore white/yellow dresses at ankle length and had a yellow flower in their hair.

I had a white ankle length dress with a yellow flower at the side of my waist.

"I'm back!"Frisk said as she held her basket.

"Okay, go get ready guys"I said.

They all left, Frisk and I went to the doors. I locked arms with Asgore and Frisk stood infront of us. Frisk opened and stepped through the door. She gently tossed the flowers onto the walkway. Me and Asgore locked in arms walked down the isle. We got to the place we part and he sat down.My cosin Lucy smiled at me and started.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here unite this wonderful couple...Ink Sans Skeleton, and Y/n M/n L/n. Does anyone object if not hold your peace."Lucy said.

No one argued against this.

"Okay, Do you Ink take Y/n to be your wife, to care and protect her with your life?"Lucy asked.

"I do"Ink said.

"And do you Y/n take Ink to be your lovely wedded husband, to care and love him with all of your heart?" Lucy asked.

"I do"I replied.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"Lucy said.

Me and Ink kissed and everyone clapped and cheered.We put on our wedding rings and we enjoyed the rest of the wedding.My uncle Kevin and Aunt Elisa came up to me with Lucy.

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