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After The Honneymoon (A week later)

We pulled into the driveway.I got some of our luggage and we carried it inside.

"Sans, Ella! Where back!"I said.

Ella and Sans came downstairs quickly.

"Welcome back!"Ella said.

"Heh, welcome back"Sans said.

"Hi guys!"I said giving them a hug.

After the hug I went upstairs, changed, and put away all of our luggage.I then got a phone call from my cousin Lucy.

"Hey Luc-.....what?!......I'll be there right away!.......I will, tell her to hang in there!.....bye!...."I quickly packed a bag and ran downstairs.

"Y/n?"Ink asked.

"I'll be back in two weeks my grandma is REALLY sick! Bye!"I went put the front door and got into the car.

I quickly hurried to my grandmas house.

At Grandma's house

I ran inside and to my grandmother's bedroom.She was in her bed surrounded by docters and Lucy's family.Lucy hugged me and we cried.She loved monsters, she tried to get everyone to like monsters.My grandma beloved in everyone, just like Papyrus.She wanted me and Lucy to be happy.I sniffled.

"Remember she wanted us to be happy"I whispered.

We stoped hugging and we both wiped away our tears.Lucy nodded and one of the docters walk to us.

"Are you Lucy L/n and Y/n L/n?"She asked.

'Yes, I-I'm Y/n that's Lucy"I replied still shooken up from crying.

"Good news, your Grandmother will be okay! Bad news, you two can't go home"She said.

"What why?!"Lucy asked.

"Your grandmother's on medicine that will make her act funny and we need Lucy's family and you to watch her"She explained.

"Okay, we understand...right Lucy?"I asked.

"Yeah, we will stay..."Lucy said.

"Oh and no more visitors until we say, they could scare her ever if they're family"She said.

"Okay..."Me and Lucy said.

"We will leave now, when your grandmother awakes call us"She said.

"Okay we will"I replied.

The docter and her team left.

"I'll take the room downstairs"I said.

"I'll take attic, my mom and dad can have the spare bedroom"Lucy said.

"Okay, tell your parent to watch Grandma tonight and we'll take turns until she's okay"I said.

Lucy nodded and walked over to her parents, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Elisa. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.I pulled out my phone and called Ink.

"Hey Ink....I'm going to be here a little orders....yeah tell you to....bye"I hung up.

I layed in the dusty old bed ant stared at the cealing.

"Life, its just a big game.....that never ends....even after death..."I sighed.

I soon fell asleep.

Really short chapter I know but the Final 4 chapters are going to be 1100 or more words so Yay! See ya in the next part!

Word Count: 490


P.S: I got a three hour nap in! Ya proud of me?!

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