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Ink Dream POV

I was in a glitching house.No, no! Did Chara and Frisk reset?! Not again no never!

"Papyrus!"I yelled.

But nobody came...

"Ella!"I yelled.

But nobody came....

"Frisk!"I yelled.

But nobody came....

"Anyone..."I whispered.

"Ink! *cough* C'mon we have to get out of here *cough*"Ella said.

I took her hand and we left the house.Ella yelled as she got pulled back by blue strings.

"Ella!"I exclaimed.

Error appeared next to her.

"Error please!"I begged.

"I-I-It's her or I-Inktale, r-rainbow b-bones"Error said.

"I can't choose!"I exclaimed.

"Well t-then, both go"He said.

I quickly grabbed Ella, opened a portal and dropped her through.

"Stay safe"I said to myself.

My vision started to glitch, I was getting erased.I saw Papyrus in the distance holding his head in his hands.I used my powers to get him.I opened a portal again and put Papyrus in.I could barley see.I opened a portal and jumped threw.I was in a black room with cages all around.In the cages were glitches.

"Y/n?"I called out.

A door opened reveling a hallway, I walked down it.I saw Y/n and Error, Error had her in chains along with Papyrus?!

"S-S-So R-rainbow? Come for your b-brother?"Error asked.

"Yes.."I replied.

My vision started to glitch again and I fell to my knees.I was now a skeleton again so it made a clattering sound.(Is that the right word? Or is it rattling?)

"A-Ah, you h-h-have the Error effect" Error said.

"W-W-What?"I asked as my voice glitched.

He snapped his figures and Ella appeared in the same state as Papyrus and Y/n.

(This is Ink Papyrus btw)

"Ella!"I exclaimed.

He laughed and Papyrus died.I was now held back by magic.He then killed Y/n and finally he killed Ella.

"No! No no no no! This wasn't supposed to happen! This isnt- no!" I exclaimed crying.

"B-B-But this is a t-timeline, isn't it" Error asked.

"Yea-AHH!"I exclaimed as I got killed with a bone.

Our of dream, 2:00a.m, Ink POV

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