Pt. 13

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I woke up and was in Inks room.I look to my side and see Ink peacefully asleep.I try to get up, but fall out of bed before I hit the ground I grabbed Ink's shirt causing him to wake up and fall ontop of me.

"Sorry"I said.

"It's fine you just got scared of falling, you okay"He asked.

"Yeah I'm good"I said.

The door swung open quickly and I saw Chara, Sans, Frisk, Papyrus, Mettaton, and Mom.Oh no mom is ganna kill Ink.

Papyrus and Frisk squealed, Sans and Chara teased, and Mettaton awed.Toriel just glared at Ink.

"She just fell out of bed and I fell ontop of her"Ink said.

"I got scared when I fell and accidently pulled him out of bed and to wake him up"I said.

Ink got up and Toriel walked into the room.

"Uhh, Heya Tori"Ink said scratching the back of his neck.

"It better have been an accident Ink"She said walking twords Ink.

"Mom no!"I said.

Ink grabbed my wrist and we teleported to the hallway behind Sans and the others.Toriel went downstairs and sighed calming down.I then noticed I was so scared I was hugging Ink.There were more awe's and squeals.

"Man, you to are never apart"Sans said.

"Yeah, its cute though because Y/n loves him!"Chara said.

"And Ink loves her!"Sans said.

"They love each other!"Sans and Chara said.

I immediately let go of Ink.

"Anyway I'm ganna go hang out with Asriel"Chara said.

"Omg! Called it I ship it!"Frisk said.

"Yeah, like I ship you and Sa-"Chara tried to say but Frisk jumped ontop of her and covered Chakras mouth.

"Don't say it!"Frisk said.

Frisk took her hand off of Chara's mouth.

"Frisk and Sans kissing in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"Chara sang.

Sans backed away a step.Frisk covered her face and ran off.

"Wha-Me?"Sans asked.

"Yes Frisk loves you!!"Chara said.

(I'm sorry but Toriel is back with Asgore)

Sans pulls his hood over his head and Papyrus squeals.

"BROTHER HAS A CRUSH!"Papyrus said.

"S-She's not my crush!"Sans said.

"How about we put all of this fangirling and boying aside and eat breakfast"I said.

All of them nodded in agreement and we went downstairs.We walked into the kitchen.Toriel looked at Ink.

"Ink we need to talk"She said.

Ink got pulled out of the room by Toriel.I saw Asriel and I went to talk to him.

"Y/n, Toriel and Asgore say I'm not there child"Asriel said."Who am I"

"What color is your soul"I asked.

"Grey"He answered."artificial..."

"I'm so sorry Asriel..."I said.

"At least I now the truth now"He said.

"Talk to Chara, she likes you"I whispered.

He nodded and walked into the living room.Ink walked in looking terrified.

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