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Time skip one week-Y/N POV

I never left Ink's side ans everyone was worried.I had very little to eat and only one glass of water a day.Sans walked up to me.

"Hey, Y/n how ya feelin?"Sans asked.

"I feel guilty, angry, and depressed"I said.

I put my head on Ink's forehead it was ice cold.

"Y/n, he did that for you. Don't feel bad, because he tried to save the one he loved.He knew that he was risking his life but didn't care, as long as it was for you"Sans said.

"It my fault for being stupid and not noticing the ice breaking under my feet"I said.

"Y/n, you need to eat. You've barely eaten anything"Sans said.

I stayed silent.I knew I wanted to break out into tears and cry, but I couldn't cry I've cried to much already.I couldn't hold it in, all of the stress and everyone worrying.I cried.

"Y/n...."Sans said.

He gave me a hug and I cried into his shoulder.

"Y/n go upstairs, seeing Ink isn't helping"Sans said.

"F-Fine"I sighed.

I went upstairs and went into Chara and Frisk's room.They just stared at me.

"Sans got you to leave and come up here, Huh"Chara said.

"Yeah...I couldn't go in mine and Ink's room though I wouldn't be able not to cry"I said.

"It's okay we understand"Frisk said.

I forced a smile and sat down in the corner of the room.I herd the door open.Frisk and Chara left the room.I herd coughing coming from downstairs.I got up quickly and rushed downstairs.I looked at the couch and saw Ink coughing.I ran over to his side.

"C'mon, C'Mon"I whispered hoping he would wake up.

"Am I dead...."Ink asked.

He didn't open his eyes yet.

"Ink c'mon open your eyes"I said.

He opened them showing the yellow star and blue oval.

"Ink I thought you died!"I exclaimed hugging him.

"Get off one sec"Ink said.

I back off.He sat up and picked out paint.

"Wow"Frisk and I said.

"Ew!"Chara and Sans said.

"Don't worry I have my tricks"Ink said.

He waved his hand around and the paint was gone.

"Cool!"Frisk said.

Ink tried to stand but imminently sat back down.He looked at Ann of us then stoped when he got to me.

"Why are you so thin Y/n"Ink asked.

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