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I woke up and went downstairs.I got the three buckets of brown paint and went downstairs.Today me and Ink were going to paint the basement.I went back upstairs and Ink was already dressed and ready to paint.I went upstairs and put on an old white T-shirt and old jeans.I went back downstairs and we started painting.

"Ink?"I asked.

'Yeah Y/n"Ink replied.

"About how you said for our kids...were you hinting that you wanted kids?"I asked.

"Well, no I said that on accident"Ink replied.

"Oh..."I replied.

"But then I wanted kids...a two weeks after I said that"Ink said.

"Ah, I see so It was a mistake at first"I said.

"Yeah"he replied.

We continued to paint in an akward silence until I broke it.

"I'm going to go pick up all the stuff for the wedding today"I said.

"Oh, so you ordered everything?"Ink asked.

"Yeah"I replied.

"Good, our weddings in a week and I forgot to order everything"Ink replied.

"That's why I did it"I said.

We yet again sat in silence and continued painting.When we finished, Ink used his tricks and got the paint off of us.

"Thanks, wait weres Sans?"I asked.

"I don't know"Ink said.

"I need help!"Sans exclaimed in his high pitched voice.

I looked down and saw he was stuck I a bucket of drown paint.I laughed and picked him up.Ink got the paint off of Sans and I put him down.

"Thank you"Sans said.

"Your welcome!"I replied.

We went upstairs and hung out.Until my phone rang.

"Oh I have to go pick up the wedding stuff! I'll be home soon"I said before I gave him a quick kiss and left.


She left me here alone, with the cat Sans....

"Hey Ink?"Sans asked.

"Yeah?"I asked.

"I'm CLAWsome!"Sans said.

"Pfft, the PURRfect pun!"I replied.

"Oh man that was punny!"Sans said.

Me and Sans watched t.v. and shared puns until y/n came back with three large bags.I grabbed one and we carried them upstairs.Y/n started laughing when I pulled out a suit for a cat.

"You got Sans a suit?"I asked.

"Yeah"Y/n replied.

"Why?"I asked.

"Because Sans is a cat and a cat in a suit is adorable!"Y/n said picking up Sans.

"Okay I have to admit. Sans in his sweatshirt is cute and now I imagine him in a suit, its cute" I replied.

"See!?"Y/n asked.

"Yeah.."I replied.

"Anyway, I'll cook dinner" She said.

"Okay, I'm going to clean up downstairs"I replied.

"Mkay, Love you!"She said.

"Love you to"I replied going downstairs.

After Dinner

There was a knock at the door.

"Sans hide"I said.

Sans hide under the couch.I answered the door to see Classic Sans.

"Oh, hey Sans! What's up?"I asked.

"Uh, I just wanted to ask if I could stay here for a week"Sans said.

"Oh yeah, we have two guest rooms upstairs and Ella's using one"I said.

"Awsome"Sans replied.

"May I ask why do you need to stay here for a week?"I asked.

"Well, you see....Chara started to fight me, so Tori told me to stay somewhere for a week for Chara to calm down"Sans explained.

Y/c came downstairs.

"Who's h-Oh hey Sans!"She said.

"Speaking of Sans...Sans you can come out now"I said.

Sans came out and jumped into my arms.

"You got Kitten Sans...."Sans said.

"Yes, I did"I replied.

"Did you replace him?"Sans asked.

"Yeah, I painted another one and put it into Kitten Sans's AU"I replied.

"Okay, has he showed Y/n that he speaks?"Sans asked.

"Yes I have!"Kitten Sans said.

"Why are you here anyway Sans?" Y/n asked.

"Oh, I need to stay here for a week"Sans said.

"Oh, come on I'll show you your room" Y/n said.

Sans and Y/n went upstairs.I went downstairs and layed in the couch.I soon fell asleep.

I'm sorry for the delay and short chapter! We just bought a place to camp in our new camper and we had to pull it there, and that took all day! Sorry!

Word Count: 726


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