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Video at top is just me doing Papyrus and Muffets voice + Kid Papyrus but anyway enjoy the part!

There I saw Ella.

"Y/n take my hand" She said.

"Why? I'm dead"I replied.

"Not if I save you! Take my hand!"She said.

I took her hand, my vision blurred and I was in bed?I sat up and Ink was next to me.I looked at what day it was.It was the next day.Ella should be home now, and I needed to ask her what happened.I went downstairsand saw Ella sitting on the couch.

"I knew you'd come down here"Ella said.

I sat down next to her.

"Thank you Ella"I said.

"Awe! It's no problem future sister!"Ella said.

"Why are we here now though?"I asked.

"Well I replaced the stuff that happened yesterday with a chill day of watching movies with Sans and Ink" Ella said.

"So, its like none of that happened"I asked.

"Yup, pretty much"Elle said."Now I'm going to go downstairs and play the Wii"

"Okay, I'm going to make breakfast" I replied.

Ella went downstairs and I went into the kitchen to start making pancakes.Sans came downstairs.

"Oh sup Y/n"He said.

"Hey, Ella came home. She's downstairs playing video games until I finish breakfast"I said.

"Okay, I'll be down there. Where's Sans?"Sans asked.

"Uh, I think he's sleeping on the couch" I said.

Sans walked over to the couch and Sans (the Cat) jumped into his arms.

"We'll be downstairs"Sans (the Skelton) said.

"Okay, I'll call you guys up when breakfast is done!"I replied.

"Glitch, I-I know what that B-B-Blue haired freak did..."A glitched voice said in my head.

'Error'I thought.

"C-C-Correct!"He replied.

'What do you want'I asked through my thoughts.

"I-I-I wasn't you t-to be erased. Y-Y-Your just a glitch in the M-M-MultiUniverse"He said

'No, You know what happened and so do i...I'm not getting Chara to help you'I said.

"Morning Y/n"Ink said.

"Oh, Morning"I said.

I kissed his cheek.

"So are you almost done with breakfast?"Ink asked.

"Yeah, can you get, Sans, Sans, and Ella"I asked.

"Just call Cat Sans S"Ink said.

"Okay"I replied.

Ink went downstairs and soon came back with Ella, Sans, and S.

"I see Ink got you Cat Sans"Ella said.

"Yeah"I replied.

"Why won't he speak"Ella asked.

"Because I didn't know if you knew I could speak"S responded.

"W-Who should I get t-t-to capture you? H-Hmmm?"Error said in my head.

'Don't do it'I said in my thoughts.

"H-H-How about the G-Girl?"Error asked.

'No not Ella!'I replied.

"E-Ella, s-s-she's a glitch as w-well..." He said.

"Y/n, you okay" Ella asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm f-f-fine.."I said, my voice glitching when I said fine.

"U-U-Uh, what's g-going on?"Ella asked her voice glitching worse than mine.

"Oh no..."Sans said.

"We have to help them fight it!"S exclaimed.

"Error! Stop!"Ink said.

"H-H-Haha glitch, s-she lost control" Error said from Ella.

"No..."I said.

"C-C-C'mere glitch"Error said.

He grabbed my arm and we teleported to his void and I was chained to the wall again.I saw Papyrus, Ella, and Error.

"Ink Papyrus!"I said.

Error slapped me.

"You d-don't speak G-G-Glitch"He said.

"Error, were here again"Ink said appearing behind him along with S and Sans.

"S-So, you do remember"Error said "The y-y-you know you have to c-choose"

"Pap, I'm sorry....I really, really am." Ink said.

Ink slashed his paintbrush at Error barely hitting him, causing the chains to disappear.Error dissapeared.

"He's not dead, but he won't come back for about three months"Ink said.

"Good"I replied.

"To think I have to do this work two days before my wedding"Ink said.

We laughed and teleported back home with Ink Papyrus.


"We are to"Ella and Ink said.

"I need a nap" I said laying on the couch.

I looked at the clock 8:45p.m.

"Man time is weird in other voids and dimensions"I said.

I soon fell asleep.

Yay! I did it! Two parts today for a thank you! Thank you for 8. Somethin K! See you in the next Part!

Word Count: 770


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