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Thud! Crash!

I woke up and ran downstairs to see what happened.Ink layed there on the floor.He smiled at me.

"Heh, I had a pretty flashy entrance eh?"He said before he coughed.

I rushed to his side.His arm had a deep cut and he had a burn on his leg.

"Ink!"I exclaimed.

"What?"He asked before he coughed.

"Your hurt! Error hurt you!"I said

"Well yeah, but I did save Swap Sans" Ink said.

"I don't care, you could've died Ink and your acting like nothing happened!" I said.

"Im sorry okay...."Ink said.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry for yelling we both forgive each other"I asked.

Ink nodded.

His lip started bleeding and his hair had some blood in it.He tried to move his arm but couldn't.

"Sorry about breaking the lamp by the way"Ink said.

"Did you get cut by any glass?"I asked.

"My hand has a piece stuck, but I can't move"Ink said.

I took his hand and pulled out the piece of glass.He smiled and his lip began to bleed more.

"Sans!"I exclaimed.

He teleported down here.

"What do y-Oh my go Ink are you okay!?"Sans asked.

"Not really, can't move, covered in blood, and I have bad cuts"Ink said.

Sans picked up Ink and Ink winced in pain.We teleported to our room and Sans layed him on the bed.

"Rest in the morning Alphys is going to check on you"Sans said before he left.

"Good night"I said.

I layed on the floor beside the bed and soon fell asleep.

Time Skip to Morning

I woke up and stood up.Ink still asleep in bed hadn't moved.

"Ink, wake up"I said.

"Huh? Ow!"He said as he moved his head.

"Be careful Alphys is coming to check on you"I said.

"Oh yeah"Ink replied.

The door slowly opened to see Alphys.

"It looks bad"I said.

"Hmm, w-well we have to c-clean and bandage his two cuts.Wipe t-the blood off h-his face. T-then spray the b-burn with t-this so it doeant get I-infected.Then I-I'll scan for broken bones..."Alphys said.

"Mkay do you have everything?"I asked.

She nodded and gave me a bag.I pulled out the chemical to put on his cuts.

"This is ganna sting A LOT"I said.

He nodded and I put a little on the cut.Since the size was as long as a pencil I did it a couple of times in different places on the cut.When I was done I grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around his arm.Alphys was still preparing the scaning machine so I had to do everything else.I did the second cut, it was smaller and on his cheak.I poured ver little and put a band-aid over it.

"There"I said.

I grabbed a wipe and wiped off his face.I threw it away and grabbed the

"This is ganna sting aswell"I said.

I sprayed his leg and he winced in pain.

"Sorry!"I said.

I was finished.

"Alphys are you ready?"I asked.

"Almost h-hold on I need to to one m-more thing"Alphys said.

I nodded and waited.When she finished she scaned Ink.When she was done her eyes widened.

"B-broken left leg, a-and a r-rib on the verge o-of being broken.T-that's why h-he can't move"Alphys said.

"His rib should heal in how many days?"I asked.

"Rib e-estimated 20 days...l-leg three m-months"Alphys said.

"So I'll be able to move just not walk in about 20 days?"Ink asked.

"Yeah I-if your cuts a-are better a-aswell as the r-rib you'll be f-fine" Alphys said.

"Thanks Alphys"I said.

"Yeah thanks"Ink said.

Alphys nodded and left taking all of her stuff with her.

"I'm ganna go get food what do you want?"I asked.

"Toast"Ink replied.

I nodded and went downstairs.I grabbed waffles for me and got toast for Ink and went back upstairs.

"Are you able to move your arms?"I asked.

"Yeah but only this far"Ink said lifting his arms.


"Uhg I have to feed you"I said."he sit up"

I helped his sit up and began to feed him.When he was done I quickly ate my food and helped Ink lay back down.I went downstairs and put the dishes in the sink.I went back upstairs and Frisk, Chara, and Sans were all by Ink.

"Hey guys"I said.

"Oh hey!"they said.

"I'm ganna go take a nap downstairs so you guys can continue to talk to Ink"I said.

They nodded and I went downstairs.I layed on the couch and fell asleep.

Poor Ink Senpie...he's hurt...

Word Count: 811


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