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Ink ran around the room because he poisoned and I layed on the ground staring up at the pitch black cealing.Until Gaster looked down at me.I jumped a little and sat up.

"Oh, its just you"I said.

"SoRrY I dIdN't MeAn To ScArE yOu" Gaster said.

"No its okay, but can you bring us somthing to do"I asked.

"YeS, I shaLl be baCk"Gaster said sounding slightly clearer.

"Okay!"I replied.

Gaster teleported away.Ink started to run faster as he got a worried look on his face.

"Ink what's wrong?"I asked.

"Nope nothing don't worry Y/n! It's nothing to worry about!"He spoke quickly.

"Ink..."I said.

He sighed.

"When you were a baby do you know it you had a tracker put on you?"Ink asked.

"No I don't, I have a tracker on my phone though-Crap!"I said.

"You have your phone don't you?"Ink asked.

"Yeah and I don't know where to put it!"I said.

There was a crash.

"I'm pretty sure they found us"Ink said.

"Wait, then what happened to Sans?!" I asked.

The wall broke open.Government people stormed in.Ink blocked me and pulled out his paintbrush.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, now!"Ink whispered as SwapSans appeared infront of us.

I took SwapSans hand and we teleported to a black void like place.

"All Sans Come!"Ink yelled.

"Wha?!"I asked cunfused.

"Just stay by me, Blueberry, and Sans okay?"Ink said.

"Wait is that seriously what Swap Sans goes by, Blueberry?!"I asked."That's so cute!"

"Yeah, close your eyes okay"Ink said.

I closed my eyes and herd a teleporting noise.

"Open your eyes, just don't freak out" Ink said."your ganna learn the truth.."

I opened my eyes and screamed as I saw more Sans.

"Y/n its okay!"Ink said.

I hid behind him.I saw the two from my visions.I stepped out from behind Ink and walked up to the one that said Papyrus sadly.The one with the glitch on his eye.He looked at me cunfused.I hugged him and he was suprised.He hugged back.

"I knew you went a dream..."I said as I backed away.

He gave a very small smile.I smiled back and saw the one with the star patterned outfit he was laying on the floor asleep.I smiled and shook him a little.

Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now