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I woke up and Ink was really close to me then I remembered that we had fell asleep.I tried to carefully get up without waking him but failed.He yawned.

"Mornin"I said.

"Mornin"He replied.

"Uh, wanna go downstairs and eat"I asked.

"Yeah, why not"He said.

We went downstairs and I saw Frisk and Chara sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Mornin guys, do you want breakfast" I asked.

"Goodmorning Y/n, Goodmorning Ink"Frisk said.

"Yeah I'm really hungry"Chara said.

"Do you want French toast, waffles, or Pankakes"I asked.

"French Toast"Frisk said.

"French toast"Ink agreed.

"I don't really care so since both of them want French toast, lets have French toast"Chara said.

"Mkay French Toast it is"I said.

"Can I help"Frisk asked.

"Sure let's go"I replied.

Me and Frisk went into the kitchen and Ink stayed in the living room because Chara wanted to talk to him.

"So, Y/n are you and Ink boyfriend and Girlfriend?"Frisk asked.

"No..."I said.

"Why are you guys sharing a room" Frisk asked.

"Because it was him, or a dancing robot that never stops talking about how much she has a crush on him"I said.

"I would've chosen Ink to"Frisk said.

"Actually Me and Ink have a date today"I said.

"Oh, were at"Frisk asked.

"I don't know its a secret"I said.

"Cool, can I ask why Ink and Sans look REALLY similar"Frisk askes.

"Ink is Sans from another universe"I said.

"Makes sense, they take the same, and look the same"Frisk said."do you really love Ink"

"Yeah I like him a lot, he's funny and adorable."I said.

"Really, because your amazingly cute and funny"Ink said.

I started blushing.

"T-Thank"I said.

I finished making the last piece of French Toast and took the plate to the table.We all sat down, I sat in the middle of Frisk and Ink, Chara sat on the other side of Ink.Frisk bumped into me and Chara bumped into Ink and we kissed. Chara and Frisk giggled and squealed.

"Guys....."I said blushing.

"Really..."Ink said.

I tried to hide my face.I failed and all four of them saw me blushing.

"You guys are really cute together" Frisk said.

"Yeah, I ship it"Chara agreed.

Ink laughed.

"We're not a couple."He said.

"So its still REALLY cute"Chara said.

I got up and grabbed my sweater.I sat back down and hid my face.I continued eating until I finished.I went into the kitchen and Chara was doing dishes then Frisk walked in.Chara finished and took my hand.Ink walked in as they pulled me upstairs.I saw Papyrus and Mettaton talki.g but I was inside of Chara and Frisk's room before I could sat anything.

Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now