Pt. 5

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This is a dream while shes passed out

I looked around the emty void I see nothing.Was I in Inks void with no way to get back!? I herd glitchey laugher and saw a skeleton that looked glitched, he looked scary.

"H-H-hello Y/n"He said.

"Who are you?!"I ask.

"I'm Error Sans"Error said.

"Why am I here, where is here?"I asked.

"Your in my Void, and y-y-your here to see somone I want you to see"Error said.

"Who"I asked.

Blue strings appeared on Error's fingers and Ink came forward his soul was wrapped in the blue strings.He looked like he was in deep pain.

"Y-Y/n"Ink said.

"Ink!"I exclaimed.

"Dont t-t-take another step or I might accidently shatter his soul into pieces" Error warned.

"What do you want!"I asked.

"Give me your s-s-soul and I'll let him go" Error said.

"Fine"I said.

Ink was dropped to the groung and I was the blue strings grabing my sould.The grip got tighter and tighter.I coughed in pain.Then, before I could react I got my soul shattered to pieces.

Out of dream

"Ink!"I yelled sitting up quickly.

I fell onto my back because when I sat up my chest ached in pain.

"Kid? What about Ink?"Sans asked.

"Nothing don't worry"I said.

I touched my head, there was no flower crown.

"Where is my *cough* flower crown!?"I asked.

"Huh, what Flower crown?"Sans asked.

"Ink made me a flower crown and I lost it"I said.

"I'll go look for ot don't worry kid" Sans said.

I smiled and he teleported away.I started coughing again.A yellow lizard person came up to me.

"H-Hi I'm Dr.Alphys y-you need t-to stay here for a couple m-more days" Alphys said.

"What happened my chest hurts and so does my head"I said.

"There was a f-fire at Undyne's house a-and you breathed in to much s-smoke. When you collapsed you cut you head on the c-corner of the counter."Alphys explained.

Sans teleported back.

"No sign of thr flower crown kid, it probably fell into the lava"Sans said.

I sat up.

"I NEED to find it!"I said.

I began coughing.I got up and left Sans came after me so I ran.As I ran my chest hurt more.I had no shoes on, so I ran through Hotland and steped on a rock.I kept running, past Waterfall, past Snowdin.I hid my feet ere freezing in the snow.I walked around and started to search.Just then in my head I saw images of Ink getting killed.Sans getting killed and Papyrus getting killed to.I got a really bad headache and fell on the ground.I shook my head and got back up.

"I n-n-need to f-find it"I said.

I walked through Snowdin and into Waterfall.I was cold but a little warmer so it was enjoyable.I looked around Waterfall, nothing. Sans was right it was nowhere to be seen.I began coughing a lot, I fell on my hand and knees and coughed.


I was sitting on the couch staring at the wall.

"Hel-*cough* help..."A voice yelled.

I went outside and looked around. Nothing was there so I went by Sans and Papyrus's house. I herd the coughing get louder so I went twords it.I got into Waterfall and saw Y/n on the ground coughing.I picked her up bridal style and teleported us to Alphys's lab.I layed her on the table.She was really injured.

"Y/n I'm ganna try and heal you"I said.

She nodded in agreement.I put my hand on her head and focused.Soon she was fully healed.

"Thank you Ink"Y/n said.

"It was nothing"I replied.

"I'm sorry but the flower crown fell into the lava while I was running from Undyne"Y/n said.

"Oh really, watched this"I said.

I snapped my fingers and a new one appeared in my hand.She got up.

"I need to get dressed I'll be right back"She said running of to the bathroom.

I sat there on the couch.I waited five minutes and finally Y/n was ready.

"Sorry I took a quick shower I smelt like smoke"She said.

"Oka-"I tried to say but Y/n grabbed my wrist and ran to Waterfall.

"Here we are!"She said.

"Okay so what are we doing?"I asked.

"Just relax I guess"She said.

She sat on the ground and I did the same.She took off her shoes and put her feet on the water.I started to stare at her.

"Hello, Ink? Why are you staring at me?"She asked waving her hand infront of my face.

"Sorry I was thinking"I said.

She smiled and all of a studded grabbed her head.

"Y/n are you okay?!"I asked.

"Stupid visions"She muttered.

She began to cry and hugged me.I hugged back and she cried into my scarf.I rubbed her back to try and calm her down and soon we parted.

"I'm okay...thanks"She said.

"Wanna go back home"I asked.

She nodded.

"Can you carry me?"She asked.

Then I blushed a rainbow, I carried her before but it was for an emergency.The first time I blushed to.

"S-sure"I said.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her house were Sans and Papyrus were waiting.I walked inside followed by them.I then layed Y/n on the couch.

"T-There"I said.

"Thank you"She said.

She then yawned.I left and went home it was 10:45p.m so I went upstairs and fell asleep.


Hey guys I think all of you guys reading this are really cool your all so friendly and thank you for that.

Word Count: 983


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