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I woke up to the sun shining on my face.I packed up my camp and explored the woods.After an hour of searching I saw a person.They were in a blue hoddie and skinny jeans.It was a girl who had brown hair and green eyes.

"Anyone, can anyone help me find a way out?"She called out.

I grabbed a mask out of my bag and put it on my face.I walked up to her.

"Who are you?!"She asked backing off.

"I herd you nerd help getting out of these woods"I said.

"Y-Yeah"She replied.

"Take my hand the exit is by were I camped last night"I said.

She hesitated but took my hand.I led her through the woods.

"Thank you, what's your name"She asked.

"I'm ForestFinder I help whoever gets lost in the woods"I said.

"Nice to meet you, I must get going" She said as she waved and left.

I took off the mask after I knew she was gone and put it back in my bag.I walked until I found a huge tree.I climbed it and could see our house, it looked so small.I thought of Ink.I then thought about what he did to save me.Finally, I thought of what he said.
He said "I don't want my promise to break, you promised to be mine and that's kind of hard if your not here".I stared at the house thinking of memories about me and Ink.I then looked down at my promise ring.

"I.....I broke my promise..."I said.

I took the ring off and stared at it until I saw an inscription.forever it shall be me and you, Ink and Y/n forever....I teared up.I screwed up....I screwed up big time.It was my birthday, turning 17 today and I can't celebrate it with my friends and family.I herd the sound of a branch braking and somone or somthing falling.I quickly put on my mask and jumped out of the tree.I followed the sound and soon as I came closer herd light sobbing.I walked closer.There layed Ink holding a small long skinny box.He dropped the box next to him and cried into his hands.

"Hello Sir"I said trying to make my voice not shake.

He looked up at me, straight into my eyes.

"I know those eyes anywhere, there more beautiful than a thousand stars, more beautiful than art, and more beautiful because I've seen those eyes and I love those eyes.....I love your eyes Y/n..."Ink said.

I was crying now.

"Ink I'm sorry I broke our promise I left! I was supposed to stay by your side an-"I started to cry but he pulled me down next to hom and he hugged me.

"You didn't brake anything, trust brought way to many things will never brake me, because I will always risk my life to save you"Ink whispered.

I just cried into his scarf.

"Happy birthday, I had more but we can't go because of the government" Ink said handing me the box.

I opened it to see a golden loket that's half a heart.On it, it says Lo.

"Ink..."I said.

I looked and saw her was wearing the other half that said ve. I smiled and kissed him on the cheak.I pulled it out and saw on the back it said y/n.I put it on.

"Thanks Ink!"I said.

"Your welcome"He replied.

"Ink, I think I should live in the underground until the government stop looking for me..."I said.

He pulled the mask off my face.

"I'm coming with you"He said.

"Okay, we'll leave in the morning. Call Sans and tell him were we'll be.Were staying in his old house"I said.

"Why not mine"Ink asked.

"Your house only has one bedroom and one bathroom plus a small kitchen"I said.

"True, I'll tell Sans"Ink said pulling out his phone.

"Okay good"I replied.

"Hello, Sans?.....its about Y/, we are going back to the underground......we are ganna stay at your old house.....good....bye"Then he hung up.

"Welp, did he say it was okay?"I asked.

"Yeah, let's get some rest and leave in the morning"He said.

I nodded and set up a small camp.Ink took his paintbrush off his back and set it next to him.He layed down and fell asleep.I layed next to him and soon I fell asleep to.

Chapter after Chapter! Yay!

Word count: 762


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