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I woke up with me and Ink cuddling.I blushed and noticed he was holding onto my waist.I wanted get up, but I didn't want to wake up Ink.I moved and Ink gripped my waist tighter.I sighed and layed my head back down on his chest.I herd Ink start to snore and I saw a vision.Two skeletons stood there I could see the taller ones face, it was Papyrus.He was dressed in blue and gold star patterned battle body, as he calls it.The smaller one was layed in a ball snoring quietly.It was Sans, yes, but he was into a blue and gold star patterned sweatshirt and blue shorts with a gold stripe on the side, the slippers were dark blue.
I snapped back to reality.It wasn't any of the Sans or Papyrus's I knew.Papyrus sure wasnt Underswap or Classic.There was no Error Papyrus and Ink Papyrus is dead.The Sans wasn't Ink, Sans, Swap Sans, or Error.Who were they?I herd a small yawn and Ink woke up.He saw me and blushed instantly.

"M-Morning"He said.

"Morning"I replied.

We got up and I stared at the ground.

"What's wrong Y/n"Ink asked.

"I had a vision....or somthing, when you started snoring quietly"I said.

"Of what"He asked.

"It was a Sans and Papyrus, but it wasn't Underswap, Inktale, Error, or here..."I explained.

He sighed and looked away.What's going on? Is he hiding somthing?

"What's wrong"I asked.

"Oh nothing, your probably just seeing things"Ink replied."anyway, wanna go on a walk"

"Sure why not! First let me get out of my pajamas"I said.

I quickly ran upstairs and got changed.I walked out of the room to see Ink waiting.He went inside and closed the door.I waited in the hall.I was wearing a pair of black shorts and a tie dye tank top.Ink came out in his normal clothes.

"Mkay so were are we walking"I asked.

"I dunno, where do you wanna go"Ink asked.

"Can we go to Waterfall?"I asked.

"Sure"Ink replied.

I took his hand and pulled him downstairs.We went outside.He pulled his hand away.

"Race to Mt.Ebott?"Ink asked.

"Yeah!"I exclaimed.

We lined up.

"Ready"I asked.

"Yep"He replied.

"3 2 1 Go!"I counted down.

We started and Ink was in the lead.I caught up and took lead.We ran down the dirt path tword the mountain.I spen up, but Ink was faster.He made it to the bottem first.

"It's unfair you have no lungs!"I said panting for air.

"Why do you think I ask"He asked smiling.

"Uhg!"I complained.

"Want me to teleport us or is it a no magic day"Ink asked.

Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now