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I had to tease Sans on the second song.The way they danced was adorable and Sans sang the most.He came and sat down next to me.

"Are your heals okay?"I asked remembering one of the songs lines.

Ink began to laugh at the joke I made.

"Oh, hahaha. Sooooo funny y/n"Sans said sacsticly.

I began to laugh.The next proformance was Frisk and Chara doing ballet.I had to admit they were really good.Ink went on his own and he sang a song while playing the guitar.He looked at me the whole time her sang.He was singing for me.When he was finished I was blushing.We clapped, he had a great singing voice that sounded so calm.He came and sat back down and he saw me blush.

"Well~ now that that's over there are three announcements that need to be made~ Papy, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, and Asgore please come up here"She said.

Ink glared at Mettaton and I got really confused.

"Oh yes and Ink darling sorry I almost forgot~"Mettaton said.

Ink got up and walked up there.

"First~Papy go ahead and tell them" She said.


"What?!"Sans exclaimed beginning to float with his magic.

Frisk grabbed his sweatshirt and pulled him back down into his seat.

"Okay, Alphys and Undyne~"Mettaton said.

"Me a-and U-Undyne are e-engaged" Alphys said.

We all clapped and cheered for them.

"When is the wedding"Mettaton asked.

"In two months everything's already ready"Undyne said.

"Okay, Toriel and Asgore~"Mettaton said.

"Me and Tori are officially back together"Asgore said.

"Dad!"I exclaimed.

Everyone laughed at my actions and I did to.

"Great~ and finally Ink~"Mettaton said.

I got really worried what was gannna happen.It can't be proposing I'm only almost 17.He got out a box and got on one knee.Wait What?!

"Y/n....will you take this promise ring and promise to stay with me?"Ink asked.

Oh my God! I was crying tears of joy.

"Yes!"I exclaimed.

He came down from the stage and put the right on my finger.We kissed and after we parted we herd a mixture of awes and cheering.

"Beautiful~"Mettaton said."well that's is for this part let's enjoy the rest of the party~"

I went over to get some food.

Y/n...don't waist your time with that guy...a voice said in my head giving me a painful headache.You'll regret every second you liked him Y/n.....

I felt light headed.

Those visions.....he's lying to you about them Y/n...shouldn't you know the truth if you really do love each other....the voice said it sounded more clear a male voice sounding like Sans but shakey.Error, how?!A-Ah you f-f-figured out how I a-am....

My head was pounding.I felt dizzy and I fell left twords Ink and he caught me.

"You okay Y/n?"He asked looking consered.

"Error...he's talking to me and it hurts..."I said.

"Sans get over here now!!"Ink exclaimed.

Sans came over.

"What's up?"He asked.

"Errors talking to Y/n and its giving her a headache...take her inside and take care of her I'm going to see Error"Ink said.

O-o-oh....look I'm going t-to have a visitor.....

"Ink no stay no one go!"I said weakly.

"No, I'm going to Error I'll be careful don't worry"Ink said.

I sighed and Ink gave me to Sans I couldn't walk it made me to dizzy.


I went upstairs and got dressed in my painter outfit/armor.I grabbed my paintbrush and opened a portal.I put the paintbrush on my back and jumpped in.


I really didn't want Ink to go...sure he was the second most powerful Sans next to Error..but Error was stronger.We were outside and I sat next to Sans.I began to panic and think of what Error could do to him.

"Calm down Y/n..."Sans said.

"I can't my boyfriend I just promised to left to fight a evil glitch version of him! He could die! Get controled!"I exclaimed.

"Shh, people don't know about Error" Sans said.

I took a deep breathe.

"If he doesn't come back by tomarrow I'm going there myself"I said.

"I'll go with and I'll bring Gaster"Sans said.

I hugged him.

"Thanks"I said.

I got up and enjoyed the party until I got tiered and went to bed.

Oh, no is Ink Senpie ganna be okay?!

Word Count: 773


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