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I got tagged by undertale_x!

1: How old are you? To personal2:Do you like baby Blueberry? YAS!3:Underswap or Undertale? Undertale!

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1: How old are you? To personal
2:Do you like baby Blueberry? YAS!
3:Underswap or Undertale? Undertale!

4:Favorite Undertale AU? Outertale
5:What grade are you in? Personal
6: Favorite Undertale Character? Sans
7:Do you like Taco? I love tacos!
8:How are you this fine day? Hit 5K I feel happy!

9:What is your favorite ship? Don't hate me...Sans x Frisk....don't kill meh!

10:What's your favorite word? Forgiveness!

Once again tagged by undertale_x!

1: How are you today? Wonderful I hit 5

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1: How are you today? Wonderful I hit 5.02K!

2: Genocide or Pacifist? Pacifist or natural

3:Do you have a relationship? No...
4:Would you rather not have Wattpad or not have deviant art? Deviant art, I love all of ya guys!

5:I made a filler, you? ???
6:Do you like chocolate? No, its gross
7:What school do you go to? Personal 8:What state or country do you live in? Mt.Ebott lol

9:Can you do a flip? Nope!
10:If you were dared to write a lemon story would you do it for cake? No! It's not worth it!

11:Am I and idiot? Me: Yes You: No
12:Did you say yes on question 11? To me: yeah To you: No

I tag:

If you got tagged you don't have to do it! Anyway Bye!

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