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I woke up to a loud thud and a scream.Ink?! I quickly got up and looked into the room he was in.He wasn't a Skelton, but a human.I jumped back a bit scared.

"Ink y-your a human!"I said.

"I know, and I still have my powers! We NEED to go home NOW"Ink said.

I nodded.I grabbed his hand, it was akward I used to his skeleton hand.He was pale and his eyes full of joy and hope.His hair was a snowy white.He could actually stop smiling and he had lips.It was akward and a bit uncomfortable.We were infront of the house.

"Everyone's not going to know who you are"I said.

"How's Alphys and Sans going to react!?"Ink exclaimed he was pacing around in the front yard.

"Ink, c'mon we got this"I said trying to calm him down.

"Wait! Where is my paintbrush?!"He exclaimed.

"It's probably inside Ink, calm down" I said.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.No-one was there.


Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Asriel, and Chara came downstairs quickly.

"Where's Ink?! What's wrong?!"They asked.

I looked behind him.

"Get everyone else"I said.

Papyrus, Mettaton, and Undyne ran down.

"Where's Sans and Alphys?!"I asked.

Sans came down the stairs and looked at me followed by Gaster.Alphys came down and looked around cunfused.

"Ink were did you run off to!"I exclaimed.

I walked into the kitchen and saw him looking at his hands fear filling his eyes.

"Ink..."I sighed.

"I've messed up big time"He said.

"C'mon Alphys might be able to help"I said.

He sighed and followed me into the living room.Everyone backed up, Undyne and Sans drew there weapons, Undyne her spear and Sans a Gaster blaster.Ink began to tear up at there reaction.

"No Ink its okay, they're scared"I whispered.

"Who is this?!"Undyne asked.

I looked around and saw Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel all had fire ready.

"I-It's Ink..."I said.

Undyne's spear vanished, along with Sans gaster blaster.Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel's fire fanished as well.Sans and Toriel looked at the floor in shame and the others stared at Ink in shock.

"How?!"Undyne, Frisk, Chara, Alphys, Mettaton, and Asriel exclaimed.

"We went to Alphys's lab and I may have tripped and got a needle in my hand"Ink said quietly.

"I-Ink I-I don't have an a-antidote yet" Alphys said.

Ink now looked sad and scared.I hugged him.

"It'll be okay"I whispered.

We backed away.We all had a group hug.When we all finally parted, Ink had a small smile on.It was getting late, so Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asriel, Toriel, Asgore, and Gaster went upstairs.That left Ink, Sans, Frisk, Chara, and Me downstairs.

"Listen Ink I'm sorry I got prepared to blast you"Sans said.

"It's fine, I look way different"Ink said.

"I hope you are okay until Alphys can make an antidote"Frisk said.

"Im sorry Ink"Chara said.

"It's okay, I'll be okay"Ink said.

Sans, Frisk, and Chara went upstairs and to bed.Ink looked at me his eyes were full of hope and sadness.

"Are you ganna be okay?"I asked.

"Yeah this is all just akward for me" Ink said.

"I bet your regretting explorering the lab"I said.

"Yeah I really am"Ink said.

"I know how to make you feel better" I said.

I got closer and kissed him.He kissed back and we parted.

"Man, that feels so much different.I'm not kissing teeth"I said.

"Yeah it feels different"Ink said.

His eyes were no longer full of sadness.They were full of happiness and hope.I smiled.we went upstairs and went to bed.

Literally I'm fangirling thinking of how Ink would be adorable as a human.

Word Count: 646


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