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I woke up and fell out of bed slamming my head on the bedside table.I now had a headach.

"Ow!"I said sitting up.

Ink came inside the room.

"Hey you okay"He asked.

"Yeah, I hit my head on the table"I complained.

He helped me up and we went downstairs.I looked at his hair and noticed the rainbow tips.It was actually really adorable.I ruffled his hair and he looked at me confused.

"What are you doing"He asked.

"Nothing, oh look Sans about to win against Undyne"I said pointing at the t.v.

We were all having a gaming competition and it was the final four rounds.It was a shooting game that Sans and Ink were REALLY good at.Sans won and it was now me against Undyne.I played this game a lot when I was bord so I was good at it aswell.I won and it was Me vs Ink.I smirked and started the game.I was on low health and he was still on full.I sniped him and he got low on health and hid.I couldn't see him but kept watch not watching behind me.All of a sudden I dies and figured out Ink snuck up behind me.

"Unfair Sans is used to dodging attacks"Chara mumbled.

"What?"Me and Frisk asked.

"Nothing!"Chara exclaimed.

"Okay..."I said turning back to the screen.

I felt pike this battle would never end they're both great at dodging and have great aim.The round went on for a half hour and they both still haven't loss any heath.

"This is taking to long its a tie!"I complained turning off the game.

"Y/n! C'mon!"Sans said.

"You wernt ganna hit eachother unless one of you got tiered because you both are good at dodging!"Chara exclaimed.

"I knew you remember!"Sans exclaimed making a gaster blaster appear.

"Whao! Whao! Whao! Pacifist here!" me and Frisk said.

"Ink what's going on!?"Alphys asked.

"This timeline is a glitch and Chara knows it"Ink said.

"WHAT?!"Me, Sans, Frisk, and Alphys exclaimed.

"Asriel knew to"Chara said.

"Uhg! I'm so stupid your Chara from the genocide timeline!"I exclaimed.

"Duh, it took you this long to figure that out"Chara said.


I grabbed a one of Undyne's spears and walked twords Chara.

"Your saying my life insnt supposed to be like this"I asked.

"You Arnt supposed to be alive"Chara said.

I pushed her to the ground and herd the spear to her throat.

Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now