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I woke up in bead with my head pounding.I felt a bit dizzy....wait what happened yesterday? I went downstairs and sat with Undyne and Alphys.

"Y-Y/n guess w-what?!"Alphys said.

"What?"I asked.

Undyne was blushing A LOT.

"U-Undyne proposed"Alphys whispered.

"Really, congrats"I said.

"Thanks punk"Undyne said.

"I'll be right back I need an ice pack for my head"I said walking into the kitchen.

I saw Ink standing in the kitchen staring at the floor.

"Ink is everything okay?"I asked.

He looked up at me.

"P-Pap...."Ink said.

"Wait I'm cunfused.."I said.

I walked closer to him.He talked me to the ground.

"Got'cha!"Ink said.

"What was that for!"I exclaimed.

"What you did last night"Ink said.

"Wait, what did happen last night I don't remember"I said.

He got up and then helped ne up.We sat on the counter together.

"Well, for starters you got drunk and started flirting with Sans"Ink said.

"WHAT!"I exclaimed.

I held my head, that really didn't help my headache.

"Uhg, I shouldn't yell I have a headache from last night.What else did I do"I asked.

"You flirted with me A LOT and then kissed me, then we took you home and me and yoy sat on the couch.You kissed me again then I told you to go to bed, so you layed your head in my lap and fell asleep.I carried you to bed."Ink explained.

I put my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry I kissed you!"I said.

"Awe its okay, I forgive you"Ink said giving me A hug.

I hugged back.

"Anyway what's planned for today"I asked after we separated from the hug.

"Um, how about we walk around Waterfall"Ink said.

"Yeah sure!"I said.

"Okay go get ready, I'll be waiting in the living room"Ink said hopping off the counter.

I hopped off the counter as well and ran into mine and Ink's room.I quickly put on a pair of jean shorts and a f/c tanktop.I then put on the flower crown and went downstairs.

"I'm ready"I said walking into the living room.

"Mkay let's go"Ink said talking my hand.

Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now