I thought you were old enough to stop wetting the bed!?

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Gerard's P.O.V (whatever that means)

I rolled over half asleep and sprawled my leg over onto Lyn-z's side.

The sheets were wet.

"I thought you were old enough to stop wetting the bed?!" i said half yawning.

"Gerard..."came back from Lyn-z in a calm, soft tone.

"What?" i snapped deprived of sleep.

"I think my waters just broke." Lyn-z said sounding concerned.

I realised what that meant. F*ck! An alarm began to ring in my head as my eyes stretched open. I pushed my self up from the bed running around it over to where she was conserved into one thin strip enough room for her and the bump. The look of utter panic on both of our faces just showed how nervous we were and confused. Confused because the due date wasn't till about a week and a half.

"Gerard, help me up." she said with an edge of stress in her voice.

She stretched both of her arms out from the burgundy sheets exposing herself out from underneath the duvet. I held onto her wrists as she clenched onto mine while she swivelled around to almost sit up. I pulled her up so she could stand on her own two feet. Once up, she cupped her one hand under the bump to support it while the other stretched out over the nightstand so she wouldn't fall.

In that time, I leaped over to my wardrobe and grabbed a shirt and a pair of trousers to get changed into then leaped again to the other side and grabbed the bag we got ready the other day.

I hooked it over my shoulder and took her left hand away from the nightstand and kept a grip on it while leading her through the house opening doors with the other and grabbing my keys.

I slammed the door behind me as our pace quickened to the Jeep parked right out front our drive.

"Gerard!" Lyn-z yelled, "not so hard"

"Sorry" i said not fully paying attention to a little extra noise.

We hurried to the Jeep and i opened the passenger door, quickly adjusting the seat so Lyn-z could try find a comfier position. She came over still with one hand clutching onto the bump. She began to sweat and have little episodes of stillness as she crushed my hand for seconds at a time. F*ck! She was close but she couldn't give birth in the car.

I didn't know what to do so i couldn't help her.

She was finally in the reclined passenger seat with the door closed next to her. I ran over the front of the car and as i did i could see her having another contraction. I got over into my side and started the ignition. I called the hospital from the car and they got some nurses out ready waiting for us when we arrived. The hospital was with in a five mile radius to where we lived so the journey wasn't long.

Lyn-z was feeling worse than she did back at the house. It was scary to see her like this.

We arrived to some nurses with a wheel chair running over to the car. I got out and ran over to get her out of the car and into the wheel chair.

They ran us down to the maternity ward. I still offered my hand to her as something to comfort her and hold against the pain while we were tossed into the delivery room.


Hi, so this is the 1st chapter of my story ^woop^ ^woop^!

Please, tell me what you think. Leave comments, vote and share if you want!

Thanks, enjoy! ♡

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