Hey, stop poking my eyeball!

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{Still Gerard's P.O.V}

The door bell went off again.

As I turned around the counter and headed for the door, I saw Mikey out of the corner of my eye crouch down to Bee's level and tickle her. She was even more ticklish then I was!

I pulled the door open and greeted my parents as they stood there on the door step.

"Gerard!" My mum stretched out as she gave me a hug looking over my shoulder to watch Mikey now sat on the floor cross-legged with Bee poking and prodding each other playfully.

I turned as if I was a turnstile letting her slide past me to go see the two of them. Dad went past too, flashing me a smile as he went patting my shoulder.

"Hey Gerard, here's a suggestion: you and dad go do the flat pack, mom can do what she wants and I'll stay here with Bee and play!" He started to be more like himself and less 'fake'.

I laughed at his idea and replied with: "Fine, just to see you both happy but only until her nap time. Then your in there helping!" I said still sniggering at Bandit trying to poke him in the eye.

"I'll put the kettle on then!" Mom said getting over to the kitchen.

"Thanks mom." I said.

"Come on then, where's the flat pack?" Dad asked.

I pointed to Bandit's new bedroom and he followed me in bringing a toolbox. As we went, I heard Mikey turn to Bandit and say, "Hey, stop poking my eyeball!" Dad and I laughed as we continued to walk.

We got in to Bee's new room where boxes of flat pack filled the room.

"You do have beers, right?" Dad asked taking a look at all the boxes knowing this would probably be the death of both of us plus the fact that i'd never assembled something in my life.

"8 pack of Fosters in the fridge!" I said laughing.

"Well when we run out, your brother will have to go and fetch some more!" He said beginning to laugh too.

We sat down and cleared a big space on the wooden floor pushing boxes all around to the edges of the room as we took the first one we saw which turned out to be her wardrobe.

Getting it out of the box was hard enough. We went through craft knives, kitchen knives, scissors - all sorts. Then dad took the box from me and turned it upside down and unfolded the cardboard box and then tipped out all the insides revealing the hacked up end I made.

I grinned at my dad like a child as he turned to me with a serious and worried look on his face then cracking up at my childish smile.

From there the day fast forwarded.

-mom came in with tea.

-Bee came in with biscuits.

-half way through the wardrobe.

-Bee started crying as she fell over.

-I burst in and Mikey had already sorted her out giving her a plasta.

-mom came in with more tea.

-finished the wardrobe.

-dad got a beer.

-I got a beer.

-started the cupboards.

-I went to put Bee down for a nap.

-Mikey came in with a beer and started putting up shelves.

-we had a pile of 3 empties.

-finished one cupboard.

-dad did another cupboard.

-Mikey put up three shelves.

-I did another cupboard.

-6 empties

-Lyn-z got home.

-Bee woke up.

-Mom and Bee started watching cartoons.

-Lyn-z started with my dad doing the bed.

-I put up the mirror.

-It fell and shattered; f*ck!

-I got glass in my hand.

-Dad took me to the emergency room.

-They gave me a needle and I passed out.

-Got home and the bed was done, so were the cupboards all stacked by the wall, the wardrobe was up against the wall and Lyn-z started putting the sheets on the bed.

-Mikey did the curtains.

-Mom took Bee out to the park.

-I went out and bought a new mirror.

-Dad put it up that time.

-Mikey had been out twice to get more alcohol.

-The pile of empties was growing.

-Mom bought Bee back with an ice cream.

-the desk and white matching chair was set up.

-Me and dad were hammered!

-The room was done; FINALLY!

-We had a BBQ and drank more.

-Mikey was playing doctor with Bee and then started colouring.

-Mikey slept on the couch and my parents slept in the spare room.

It was a long a*s day!

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