Kicked my junk!

224 5 17

{Gerard's P.O.V still}

I checked my phone that morning and I saw Mikey had replied to my text.

Miss my little shotgun!
Alicia won't be coming.
Should I bring some beers?
--------end of reply-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I didn't text back. Not sure why, but I just didn't.

I got up and kissed Lyn-z on the cheek before I rolled off the end of the bed. It was soft and calm. As I broke away my lips smacked against her bare skin. It took me back to the first time we kissed. And then the kiss we shared after I asked her to marry me. And the kiss we had at our wedding. It was amazing.

I got up to walk across the house to get to Bandit before she woke up and freaked that me and Lyn-z weren't there beside her. I got to the side of her little bed and realised I was just in my boxers. My bare skin and a pair of black boxers. Wonderful! My daughter wakes up to the sight of her father who has no shirt on or pants and instead shows her his exposed naked skin, and that's how she becomes mentally scared.

I creaped over and reached for a t-shirt and a pair of shorts that lay on our messy floor.

I slid my fingers in the belt loops and hoisted them up struggling to keep quiet while jumping about.

"Daddy?!" Bee said waking up slightly.

I froze. I stopped jumping around and just stared at her sleepy little face knowing I was only half wearing a pair of jeans with no top on.

"Yes Bandit." I said hoping she was too tired and the room was too dark despite the little night light she had to have seen me like this.

I slowly pulled up my pants again, millimetre by millimetre discreetly so she wouldn't know I was only just getting dressed to hide my naked body from her.

The belt was the hardest part. Trying to do up a belt with a spiderman belt buckle on that clinks and clunks against everything else is awkward enough.

"I'm cold!" She muttered softly.

"Aw Bee, tell you what, If you get dressed now you'll be really toasty by the time you have breakfast."

I heard nothing in return from that.

I came over to her putting on the t-shirt I grabbed then running my fingers through my red flowing hair.

I sat down on her bed. It was one of those army camp beds. She hadn't had it long but loved it more than sleeping in our bed from when she had nightmares or just wanted a hug. She was getting bigger and we didn't see the point in getting a proper bed when soon we'd buy her a new one for her new room which was exactly what we did the other day.

She cuddled in beside me wrapping her short little arms around my waist as I did the same around hers wrapping them around her back too, cuddling her.

I brought her over onto my lap whilst I leant back against the wall. She bought Harry over with her who was still wearing his blue striped tie. Her back lay against my chest. We stayed there for what felt like ages but in reality lasted 2 or 3 minutes tops. I cuddled her as she squoze Harry while also resting on me dithering from the cold. I turned my head and kissed her ear then ran my fingers through her hair like a brush.

"Daddy,"Bee said calmly starting to properly wake up.

"Yes angel cakes." I said. I was just making up random names for her. I always did call her random or weird things. Lyn-z stuck to pumpkin. I stuck to whatever came to mind first before blirting it out.

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