Wee Scottish Lass

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{Gerard's P.O.V still}

"You got everything?" I asked softly as I made a stack of pancakes for us all.

She nodded softly accepting that she had no other choice and wheeled her suitcase toward the front door.

It was the day that Lyn-z was going on tour. Bandit and I were going to come to her first and last show like I'd promised.

"Mommy,- "Bandit stretched out as she ran out of her room to Linds with something hidden behind her back.

"Hey Pumpkin! You alright hunny?" Bee nodded quickly before finishing what she wanted to say.

"I have a surprise for you that I did all by my self!" She was trying to be all grown up and stretched tall. She pulled the picture from behind her back and handed it to her mom with a beaming smile constantly growing on her face. Linds took it off her and nealt to the ground giving Bee a really tight hug.

"Thank you Bandit! I'm going to keep this with me the whole time, okay?" She asked while slightly beginning to well up. Bee nodded again then ran to me and hugged my legs tight. I leant down, slightly lopsided as I gently rubbed her back before returning my hand to stack pancakes onto plates.

"Breakfast!" I called eventhough they each were only a few feet away.


After eating breakfast, we all headed into the car and began the journey to the first venue. Lyn-z gave me a few last minute pointers that I really didn't need like how to make Bee's pasta just the way she likes it or the fact that Jamia was so close to birth so any way I could, help the Iero family and how to use the washing machine.


When Lyn-z started to play, it was about 8:30 in the evening and Bandit was getting tired. She started to yawn a lot and bury her head in my neck when I picked her up.

For pretty much the rest of the show I sat leant up against a wall with my legs out stretched and my daughter laid on top of me sleeping. She balled herself up and rested her head on my chest.Someone handed me a blanket and I gently lay it on top of her.

By 11, Lyn-z had finished and helped me get Bee into the car. I gave her a tight hug and a soft kiss grabbing her waist and pulling it closer to me. She returned another kiss but this time it was so much more passionate, so much more love and care.

"Hey, Lovers - sorry to break it up but we gotta pack up and head off!" Steve yelled from the back door as we stood in front of it with the Jeep.

"Okay, I'll call you any time I have chance too, and make sure she's in bead by 7 at the latest and that she has a nap in the day and make sure you don't mix loads and- "Lyn-z was getting panicked leaving us for the first time.

"Hey, hey, hey come on. It's going to be fine I promise you that Bee will be okay and I will too. I'm her dad, I can do this. Okay? So you just go back in there and do your thing my Wee Scottish Lass!" I comforted her and ran my finger along her cheek chasing away any tears that fell down and ran down it. I tried to make her laugh by doing my best Scottish impression from when she was born there and grew up as a kid before moving to New York for college.

Her palm crashed hard against my chest in disapproval to the fake accent and ridiculous name.

"Don't ever do that again." She said through soft tears.

"Promise!" I replied softly.

She gave a smile and another passionate kiss then moved away from me as she opened the back door of the car and kissing Bee before leaving.

I drove home and took Bee in my arms as we headed into the house and I lay her in her bed removing her tiny pink converse and setting them down on the floor.

"Night night my little bumble Bee!" I whispered as I leant in to kiss her cheek softly.

This chapter is really rubbish and there's a couple time lapses just because I'm lazy and getting bored with how bad this fic is, sorry guys but I still wanna  finish it because at the end, I'm planning a plot twist that will change

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