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{You guessed it: Gerard's P.O.V}

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing beside my bed. I took it off the table it rested on and noticed a few missed calls from Frank and a few left from Mikey.

I listened to one of the voicemails mikey sent from a few minutes ago.

"GERARD, JAMIA IS GOING INTO LABOUR! YOU GOTTA GET DOWN HERE BRO!" He practically yelled down the phone. The two of us hadn't spoken since he told me he was cheating but I had to be there for Frank.

I sprung up and started to get dressed from whatever was clothes were on the floor that I'd taken off last night then raced to Bee's room.

"Bandit hunny, uncle Frank and aunt Jamia are having their baby so I need you to be fast, okay?" I said rubbing her arm as she woke up then springing up to open the curtains.

"So Cherry and Lily are going to have a baby?" Bee asked as she climbed out of bed.

"No, Cherry and Lily are going to have a baby brother or another sister, they're not having a baby." I tried to explain.

With Lyn-z gone, I could dress Bandit in the mini My Chem t-shirt I bought her a while ago. She slipped that on and I helped her put on a little red skirt with leggings before sliding on the pair of converse she had on last night then quickly tieing up the laces.

"Daddy, wait. I need some help brushing my hair!" She exclaimed holding a glittery black hairbrush.

"Oh, errr okay, yeah but sweetheart, we really need to go. I'll brush your hair when we get to the hospital okay?" I tried to explain as I shoved the brush she'd given me into a duffel bag and lead her to the front door grabbing my keys.

We headed out and I slammed the door behind me as we raced to the car.

It took about 20 minutes to get there and park up before I picked Bee up and ran down the halls to the maternity ward and looking all over for any sign of anyone I knew.

"Gerard." I could hear Mikey's voice as I snapped around and saw him sat waiting on a couple chairs in the waiting room.

"Uncle Mikey!" Bee called out as she squirmed out of my grasp and sat on Mikey's knee.

"Hey Shotgun!" He replied back in a childish, excited tone. He wrapped his arms around her.

Why does he call her that, it makes no sense!

"Where's Cherry and Lily?" I asked Mikey looking round for them.

"Ray's on his way with them. He went to pick them up." He said with all his attention still on Bandit.

"Daddy, can you help me brush my hair now please?" She asked softly showing me her golden eyes.

I sat down on a chair beside Mikey pulling out the brush from my bag. She hopped off his knee and stood in front of me as I worked through her tangled wavey hair.


"Sorry hunny, there's a lot of knotts and tangles."

She started to let out a few tears as I dragged the brush through her hair pulling on the knotts. I didn't mean to hurt her, but Lyn-z got her dressed and stuff every morning so I wasn't used to doing it for her.

After I'd got through her hair, she sat on my knee as I cuddled her until she stopped crying.

"How close is she?" I looked up to see Ray holding Cherry's and Lily's hands either side of him.

"Don't really know, I've been here for two hours. Gerard just got here about half an hour ago." Mikey answered.

It was at that moment a short, excited man came running out of the hall and into the waiting room where we sat.

It was Frank.

In a way, I kind of felt sorry for him and Jamia. None of their families where actually here. It was just me, Ray, Mikey, the twins and Bandit. Jamia hadn't got anyone here and Frank's mom hadn't turned up either.

He cut my line of thought as he burst in with a grin on his face.

"IT'S A BOY! I HAVE A SON! A HAPPY AND HEALTHY LITTLE BOY!" He yelled out a few tears shredding from his eyes with joy as he noticed his daughters still holding on to Ray.

He nealt down on the floor and beamed a smile at them as they ran to him. Frank squoze them tight, it was looking like they were being crushed.

"Girls, you have a baby brother. Shall we go see? Say hello?" He said continueing to beam at the two of them.

He got up and took their hands as they went down the corridor leaving us four back at the waiting room.

"Daddy, can we go see?" Bee whispered.

"In a minute hunny, we're going to let Cherry and Lily say hi to their brother first then we'll go in and say hi too." I replied.

I decided to text Lyn-z and let her know the good news.

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