Jamia - baby, I gotta run!

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{Lyn-z's P.O.V}

I got back to the house alone. I had dropped Bee off with Steve, the only person I knew that would be available at such short notice. I figured if Mikey was still there, it wouldn't be a good idea for me to bring Bee home into them swearing and yelling at eachother. I thought, even if Mikey wasn't there, Gerard would still need to talk.

I got to the pathway of the house and noticed a few patches of blood just staining away on the concrete.

I beant down to look at them closer, it seemed to have been smeared down the path.

Who had bled and what happened?

My feet started to move quicker once I'd gotten up off the floor. It seemed as if my journey was miles long stretching further away from where I was quickening my pace forwards to the door. I began running and shoved my key into the lock wiggling it about before twisting it and shoving through into the house.

As I looked in i could just see my husband lying on the floor slouched against the fridge, it was the one part of the kitchen the counter top didn't hide away.

I forgot about the door and my key which still stayed in the key hole but my running continued on in and I slowed my self down as I crouched to the floor besides him.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I wined as i counted the empty beer bottles and the tin cans that once contained the same surrounding him. I've been in this situation a few times before but never this much- usually I could tap his arm a few times and he'd wake up. So that's what I tried.

But he didn't do anything; he didn't move, he didn't groan and he didn't wine.

"Gerard? . . . . Gerard?" My wining continued but I felt like I must've been saying it in my head, not out loud since he didn't make any sign of acknowledgment. "Gerard, Gerard hunny - please, come on!?" I was getting worried and I started to hit his arm then rub his cheek with the side of my finger.

He didn't do anything. He wasn't waking up and i didn't know what to do.

I stood up from beside him and took my phone from my bag I'd thrown as i walked in. I started dialing Frank's number. It rang a few times until he picked up but until then, I crouched back down beside Gerard clearing a space of empties on the floor so I could get closer to him.

"Hey-a Linds, what's up?" He said cheerfully.

"Frank, you've known Gerard for a lot longer than I have."

"Y-e-a-h . . . " he stretched out not knowing what would come next.

"You were there for him through his major depression, drug taking and the alcoholism -" I paused which made Frank think I had finished so he cut me off.

"Well he was getting better with the depression side of things but Mikey and Ray were there throughout, why - what's up, what's going on with you guys, Bandit okay?"

"Him and Mikey have fallen out and I wasn't there and I've gotten back and there's empties every where" my breaths got deeper and I began letting out sobs, "Frank, help. I don't know what to do please, come help me, ple-he-ease!" The sobs turned into full blown cries.


"Frank, what do I do? He isn't waking up when I tap him or say his name."

"Lyn-z, try to keep calm. Just try to be close to him I'll call an ambulance when I'm close so I can help you out!"

He hung up.

{Frank's P.O.V.}

"Jamia, baby- I gotta run. Somethings happened to Gerard and I gotta help Lyn-z!" I yelled through the house as I raced to grab my keys.

"Oh, errr okay. Be careful Frank. Is Bandit okay?"

I hesitated at the door to yell back through the house to answer her.

"I don't know, she wasn't mentioned when I got the call."

"Oh, well if any of them need anything-" I cut Jamia off.

"Yes, I'll call you!"

I then continued and went out to the car and shot off to the Way residents.

sorry this chapter is short and sorry I haven't published in a while, I've been kinda busy the past few days with stuff!

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