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{Gerard's P.O.V}

"Yeah, we could do with some more." Her soft voice broke through the bedroom as we spoke through rooms.

I could hear footsteps around the house behind me as I sat on the sofa with my lap top resting on my lap.

"Oh right cool, I'll go to the sto-" I began to say until I heard something coming from behind me.


"What was that?" I sprung up from my position on the sofa setting my laptop to the side of me since there was no reply.

"Linds, hunny? Bandit, sweetheart?" I yelled out to them both.

Bee came running through from her room.

"Bandit, hunny, it's okay if you did but, did you drop something that made the loud noise just now?" I asked looking straight into her eyes with fear and worry as I also leaned and rested each of my hands onto her shoulders.

"No daddy. Where's mommy?" She said staring softly back at me.

"Oh okay, erm sweetheart I don't know. Stay right here though, okay?" I said hearing my own voice crackle in stress.

"Okay." She said sweetly sticking to the same spot rotating as I moved.

"Lindsey, baby? Linds! Lindsey!" I yelled running frantically around the house to find her. "Baby. Lindsey, babes come on - your scaring me right now."

That's was when I saw her.

Out of the corner of my eye.

An arm spread along the pristine tiles.

A single black pig-tail draped over it.

A shadow lying beneath it. My eyes ran, following the shadow till its very end where a hand was revealed. I raised my eyes to see her lifeless fingers curled slight around her palm.

"Lindsey . . . Baby . . . Gorgeous . . ." I was frozen. It felt like I had to go through an entire army before I could move closer to her.

I pushed through the bathroom door and saw the whole of her body spread out along the floor.

"Sh*t! No, no, no, no, no-w! Lindsey, baby can you hear me? Give me a sign that you can hear me, okay. Anything, do anything!" There was no movement in her entire body.

I tried to find a pulse but I couldn't feel a thing.

No beats. Nothing.

"F*CK! LINDSEY PLEASE! YOU GOTTA PULL THROUGH, COME ON!" I yelled checking again for a pulse.

Okay, come on Gee, it's up to you now!

I straightened her up from her curled up position then nealt beside her. I stretched my body over hers and tilted her head back, pulled down her chin down and began to push my hands hard together on her chest.

It was the only thing I could do for her, CPR.

As I pumped her chest hard with all the strength I had, I yelled out to Bee as she still remained where I'd left her.


"COMING DADDY!" She squeled.

"GREAT, GREAT, BUT ERM DON'T COME IN TO THE BATHROOM, JUST WAIT BY THE DOOR ALRIGHT." I yelled again still trying to get Lyn-z breathing again hoping to get her heart starting.

"I've got it daddy! I'm standing next to the door."

"Good girl, now I need you to listen really carefully okay and do exactly what I tell you." I explained.


"Click the little button on the side, done it?"


"Great,now there's a little picture of a phone - click it and drag it up the screen, okay? What's on the screen now?"

"It's all the numbers daddy,"

"Good girl Bandit, now click the buttons 9 - 1 - 1!"

"9, erm 1, then 1 again daddy?"

"Yes. Press 1 again then click the green button!"

"Daddy, it's making a weird noise!"

"Yeah Bee, that's good now, we're nearly done - you've done so well; good girl! Okay, see the button with a microphone? Click it for me!" I said trying to regain my breath.

The phone was now on speaker as I told Bandit to slide it along the bathroom floor without looking at Lyn-z then go into her bedroom and play so she couldn't hear what was happening on the phone.

I didn't want her to freak out.

"Hello, this is the emergency services. How may we help you?"

"My wife, I need an ambulance! She's not breathing and I've been doing CPR for a like 5 / 10 minutes. I need some help!"

"Okay sir! Where are you? Your exact address sir."

I began to state my address inbetween  each breath I took from giving Lyn-z air.

It was all I could do for her.

"Okay sir, an ambulance is on it's way."

I hung up on the woman at the other end of the line.

"Linds! Hunny, hey listen. Your going to be alright. Everything is going to be fine. The paramedics are gonna get here and they're gonna help you and everything will be completely fine okay."

It was at that moment a single, salted tear spilled over my eye and ran down my cheek.

"Oh god! F*cking god! Please Lyn, do it for me. You can't go. You can't okay! You . . Y-you J-just c-an't! So s-stay! D-don't go!"

I was stuttering and stumbling over my sentences and words.

More tears followed the one before. They fell over my tiny, little, eyelashes and raced down my face dripping down onto Lin-z's, as my head hesitated to meet hers pulling back as I leaned in closer.

My tears were dripping down on her pale skin, crashing down and exploding out leaving a trace of a little splatter.

It was then, that moment, sparked off by tears, that a miracle released it's self.

I thought I'd imagined it. I thought I was giving myself false hope imagining it had happened when in fact it hadn't, I thought that was what had happened; that, that was what was going on, that she'd just remained the same from a few moments ago.

Her chest rose.

Air began to flow from her nose.
She was okay.

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