Rise and shine!

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>▪>Next day>▪>

{Mikey's P.O.V}
Ray and Christa went back home last night after seeing Lyn-z at the hospital so it was just me and Bandit at my place.

I woke up to the pestering sound of my alarm clock.

'Bleep', 'bleep', 'bleep'.

My arm sprung out from underneath the bed sheets and switched off the alarm.

I swiped my arm across the nightstand and dragged back my glasses toward me and put them on lazily.

I looked over my shoulder to see Bee was still fast a sleep.

She slept in my bed with me sometimes, usually if she was sad or missed her mom and dad. She slept on Alicia's side, or at least what used to be Alicia's side. We had about four pillows along the middle of the bed that separated our 'sides'.

She slept sweetly gripping tight onto that giraffe she always carries arround, a small smile plastered on her face.

She was adorable.

I turned back and rolled out of bed. I scratched the back of my head, grabbed some clothes and went out of the room, closing the door softly behind me.

I went to the bathroom first to get dressed.

'I have time for one quick mug of coffee and then I gotta get her ready for school' I thought to myself.

With that in mind, I walked down the set of stairs and headed for the kitchen to turn on the coffee machine. I got out a mug ready waiting for the coffee to be made. In the mean time, I got Bandit's lunch ready. Ham sandwich and an orange with a bottle of water. Christa made her lunch usually if they stopped over, which was most of the time so I had no clue what to put in the little pink lunch box.

The coffee was ready so I took the jug from the machine and began to pour it into my mug.

Sweet, wonderful coffee. This is what I lived for.

As I held the mug in my fist, the steam began to make its way into the air and fogged up my glasses.

After I drank the coffee, I set my mug down and headed back for my room to wake up Bee.

"Bandit, wakey wakey, rise and shine." I whispered softly whilst slowly shaking her awake.

Even though she was only three years old, she really was not a morning person.

"Come on Bee, we gotta get you ready for school." I added in a soft voice.

"No." She groaned as she released her grip on the giraffe and folded her arms over the covers still closing her eyes.

"Bandit, come on you little monster!" I said as little louder but playfully.

She giggled as I tickled her neck - her one week spot.

"No uncle Mikey!" She groaned in between fits of giggles.

I scooped her up in my arms and lifted her out of bed. I blew a raspberry on her neck and her giggles became louder.

Too early for that Mikes! I thought to myself.

I set her down on the floor and ran over to the wall, flicking on the light switch. On my return, I lifted Gerard's duffel bag full of Bandit's clothes onto the bed and started to pick through for something for her to wear.

She picked her favourite clothes and began to get dressed with a little bit of my own help.

Once she was done, I picked up the hair brush from the bag and lead her into the kitchen where she climbed up onto a chair at the table then I set the brush down next to her.

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