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{Gerard's P.O.V}

Me and the girls got to the house and I twisted my key around in the lock before it opened up the door with a small click. The moment the door opened wide enough, all three girls scuttled off in a hurry following Bandit to her bedroom.

I set my keys down on the small table beside the door and kicked it shut before taking my arms out of the loops of the duffel on my back and set it down on the floor. I then followed the path of the girls and leaned by the door frame watching them play and colour together.

"Looks like you girls are having fun." I stated as Lily took to noticing me first, watching my every move.

"Lots daddy!" Bee squealed as she began waving a magic wond around.

I smiled watching them.

"What would you girls like for dinner? Should we order something?" I asked crouching down as Cherry came over and sat on my bent knee. I ruffled her long dark hair and kissed her head softly as she beamed a smile in my direction.

They looked at me with blank expressions.

I tried to work out what the twins would eat and what Bandit likes at the same time.

"Bee you like pizza right? Girls, do you like pizza?" I asked as they crowded round me.

Cherry and Lily looked up at eachother as if they were having a conversation without saying a word. They both shrugged their shoulders  in sink.

"Okay, I'll ask your daddy what your most favouritest food is, kay?" I said childishly pulling my phone from my pocket.

They nodded and started to go back to playing when I got up off the floor  and headed for the kitchen counter top to make drinks for everyone.

I then dialed Frank's number.

---------Phone call-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Hey frank, -"

"Gerard, hey. How's the girls? They okay?" He was genuinely concerned about weather they were okay hanging out here with me.

"Yeah of course, the twins are perfectly okay. They're playing dress up with Bee i think. Hey, they're getting hungry and i was gonna order dinner but they didn't  really know if they liked Pizza when I asked. What's their favourite take out?"

"Oh erm okay, good, cool. Dinner, errr. . . . ." He paused in thought, "they like burgers and stuff. Go to maccies or something like that. They've had pizza before but they couldn't tell you what they'd want so your safer with that."

"Great, thanks Frank. How's Jamia and Miles?"

"We're all back home and Jamia is asleep on the sofa. Miles is asleep in my arms. He's so sweet, can't believe still that he's really here!"

"She needs it! Congratulations man, he's just like his dad!"

"Thanks Gerard, can I talk to the girls?"


"Cherry, Lily- your daddy's on the phone!" I yelled out moving my phone away from my face ready to pass it to them.

They each took it in turns to talk to Frank.

Bandit ran through from her room and gave my legs are tight squeeze trying to hug me. I picked her up, putting my hands either side of her waist then brought her in closer to me as she leant in and gave me a kiss. It was sweet. I sat her down on top of the kitchen counter as she stayed quite whilst the twins were on the phone. I passed her a tall pink cup full of squash and she began to chug down on it before she set it back down and released a huge sigh as her breath came rushing back.

Title for this chapter is really bad I know.
Ugh i just want to get this finished but the main thing still hasn't happened and it's really annoying me.

I'm on my way home *yay* soon to return to the land of wifi! I'm basically just going to stalk everyone's instagram from while I've been away.

Instagram you say? Yes I have instagram and I'd love it if you guys could follow me  (i follow back). My name is another_torie.  I want to change but Idk what to but I'll change this if i do. I post mostly mcr stuff, the odd selfie depending on my mood and rants about people who judge me and hate me etc so yeah.


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