I've done a real bad thing Gee.

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{Gee's P.O.V}

I was the first up the next morning with the wort hang over ever.

I headed quietly out of our room where Bee still slept since we hadn't moved her into the new room yet. I went into the living room closing the bedroom door softly behind me. The closer i got to the sofa the louder sobs began to get clearer.

"Mikey. . . ?" I questioned walking closer stretching up so i could try get a better view of him.

There was no reply just sobs and the splatter of tears against the sofa cushions, so i called out again.

"Mikes . . . dude?"

I leant over the top of the sofa back as i saw him, curled up, pillow in front of his face absorbing the salty tears staining over it's purple patterned cover.

"Mikey, man. . . what's up?" i said wrapping myself around the edge of the sofa before crashing down onto it.

"I've done a real bad thing Ge!" he stuttered as his sobs became worse.

"What, what is it?" i asked now real concerned.

"It's just too bad!" he continued.

"Mikes, it's eating you up. I can see it. What ever it is, it's controlling you and don't you dare deny it! Until you saw that kid, that giraffe you were depressed as f*ck!"

He took his head from beneath the cushion and shook it as his hand then covered it and rubbed all over it wiping tears that were replaced with new ones.

"Micheal!" i yelled out then watched over the spare room door where my parents were.

"Mom and dad went home about an hour ago, mom drove." Mikey replied trying to change subject.

"Well the girls are like me, deep sleepers so i'll continue on - Micheal Arthur Way, what the f*ck is going on with you?"

He ignored me.

"Little bro, I won't ask again!" I realised i put my dad voice on i used on Bee if i had to tell her off.

"I was drunk and err. . . " he cut himself of with heavy sobs.

"You were drunk and what, what happened Mikey?" I was getting mad that he couldn't tell me.

"I cheated Gerard! I cheated on her." The sobs continued, they were the kind of sobs you would give at your first heart break - the ones that really hurt, gut wrenching sobs that just make everything hell and sh*tty.

"Mikey, you. . . you. . . cheated? You had an. . . an affair?"

He nodded slowly and then re-hid his face again.

I sat there, astounded. I was mad. My brother had an affair - cheated on his wife. I began yelling.


I got up off the sofa and headed away then turned in a viscous circle to face the back of the sofa again.

"I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW!" I continued at the top of my voice.

He had tears rolling down his face as he took his head away from the pillow.

"I- i was drunk Ge . . ." He looked me right in the eye as he said it.

I heared a door close behind me. I swung my angry body around to face a concerned looking Lyn-z with Bee in front of her also looking panicked. Both of Lyn-z's hands cupped Bee's shoulders stopping her from making any movement. I looked down at Bandit who had a tear rolling down her face - one single tear rolling down her pale little cheek. She'd heard me yell, they both had and I could tell it was scaring Bandit.

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