One more push!

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{Still Gerard's P.O.V}

The baby was almost here, they said they could see the head crowning. I was excited and nervous all at the same time but I was really tired too. For obvious reasons I couldn't tell Lyn-z that though.

"Baby, just one more push and it'll be here. C'mon, one more!" I said trying to encourage her.

"I'm to tired." She whimpered in too much pain.

"I know hunny, but come on, one more push and it's all over!" I said with understanding.

"You do it!" She suggested in the same tone.

I didn't know how to answer that one with out being too sarcastic.

"Hunny, if i could I would, you know that but I can't because unfortunately I'm not a seahorse."

She winced again in further pain. I hated seeing her like this.

"Is there anything you can do?" I asked the nurse loitering at the bottom of the bed.

She shook her head, "she's got to do it!"

I looked back at Lyn-z. The sight made me want to cry. She was in pain and was struggling to give any more energy.

The nurse counted down. "5, 4, 3, 2,"

"ONE!!!" Lyn-z and I yelled out in sink as she broke my hand crushing it as hard as possible giving that one last push.

"Congratulations! Your both parents to a beautiful baby girl!"

It was a girl.
I was a dad.
Lyn-z was a mom.
Mikey an uncle.
My parents were grandparents.

They held her up as if they were rein acting the scene from lion king so we could both see her.

"We're just going to clean her up." One nurse said.

"Is she okay?" Lyn-z asked while grasping her breath back.

"Baby girl Way is happy and healthy!" Another replied.

I leant over and kissed Lyn-z on the top of her head. It was soft and reassuring to her i think because her heavy breathing began to slow down.

They gestured me to sit down before they handed the screaming baby over to me wrapped up in a pink blanket with small purple stars all over it. She was adorable. She was amazing. She looked so much like her mom.

They handed Lyn-z a glass of water which she took a few sips from then put it on the table beside her.

A few seconds later I stood up from the chair and delicately brought my daughter with me leaning over Lyn-z's bedside so she could hold her too.

I took my phone out from my back pocket and took a picture of my two favourite people. I sent it to Mikey, Frank, Ray and my parents to let them know of their first grand baby.

I loved her. My little baby girl. I loved my wife. She gave me the best thing ever. My heart melted at the three of us starting a family. A life together. It was perfect, every bit of it.

I called Mikey.

"Hey Mikes!"

"Gerard, I've just seen the picture. You've done it man. Your a dad! Bump no longer!"

"She's perfect!"

"A baby girl?!"

"Well NA! Why else would they wrap her in pink?!"

"Dude! Haha good point, didn't really look at that! How's Lyn-z?"

I looked over my shoulder to her, "she's tired man! But still beautiful!" I said smiling at her so she knew we were talking about her now.

"Try exhausted Ge!" Came back from Lyn-z still admiring our daughter.

"Well man, congratulations. Named my little neice yet?"

"No, not yet. She weighs 6lbs, 5.6oz and was born about 5 minutes ago."

"Awww, sweet! Keep me posted. Give Lyn-z a hug from me!"

"Will do, see ya man!"


I hung up and went back over to the chair pulling it closer to the bed. When I came over she opened her eyes and stopped her soft cries. They were beautiful. Tinkling in the light reveling the colours of green and brown and shots of a glimmering blue.

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