Well I'm not doing it with Mikey in here

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We got back to the house soon after Lyn-z was given the 'all-clear'. Mikey came back to the house as well but I kind of hoped he'd be the only one to come over since Lyn-z and I were too tired to really see anyone else.

He got Lyn-z out of the car, into the house and sat comfortably on the sofa with a warm blanket. I was starting to see that he'd be good at taking care of someone, having a wife.

I got out the jeep and got into the back where Bandit was sleeping in the car seat. She was like me, any chance there was to sleep, we'd both be out like a light.

We all sat on the sofa just staring at her, admiring how beautiful she was. We took it in turns to hold her and cuddle with her still wrapped up in the pink blanket. But the silence didn't last long.

Bandit woke up and starting to scream like she did in the hospital. Neither of us knew what we were supposed to do, did the hospital forget to give us the instructions or something with what to do when she cries?

"Errr okay, maybe urmm she's. . . hungry? Try her with a bottle or something." Mikey suggested standing up suddenly.

"She's not old enough for a bottle". I said still not knowing what to do but standing up to join Mikey.

Mikey glared at me, "if she's hungry but can't have a bottle what else do you think we can do?!"

He stared a little more until I realised what his point was before looking over at Lyn-z.

"Well I'm not doing it with Mikey in here!" She snapped before adding, "sorry Mikey."

Just like that Mikey left the room so Lyn-z could try feeding her.

It worked quite well because the crying stopped and we watched a little, innocent smile wipe over onto Bandit's little face. It was her first smile! It made me and Lyn-z smile back which made Bandit's one grow even more.

It was getting late, Mikey was heading home and wished us luck for the night. Lyn-z apologised again for snapping at him earlier. He was cool with it, he knew it would have been awkward for her feeding Bandit for the first time especially with him around seeing her like that. He knew eventually it would be normal and no one would mind her doing that kind of thing but it was the first time - for all of us.

When Mikey left, I helped Lyn-z up and waddled with her back to our room so she could get to bed and try sleep. But then we realised that the sheets hadn't been changed yet since her waters broke. So instead, I waddled her over to the guest bedroom.

She was tired but was able to do stuff for herself again so I left her to have a shower and get dressed so I could move the crib we set up in our room, into the guest room where we would sleep until the sheets got changed next.

I went to fetch Bandit from the little crib we had in the living room so that while we were in there, she could rest in their if that was more comfortable then sleeping in our arms. I took her over into the guest bedroom and was about to put her in my lap as I sat on the bed until I heard a crash followed by a sort of scream.

I kept Bandit in my grasp as I chased from one side of our little bungalow to the other where the bathroom was.
"Lyn-z, hunny!"
Bandit had woken up and started to cry so I tipped her up against my chest cupping her head and butt so she wouldn't fall while I was still getting over to the bathroom dodging all the baby stuff everywhere and shoving doors open with my foot and elbow.

I got to the bathroom and unlocked the door from the outside using a grip I found on the floor. I was in.

"Gerard" Lyn-z said in a worried voice.

I pulled back the shower curtain and switched off the water. She'd lost her balance and slipped over. Luckily, I couldn't see any blood.

"Hunny, are you okay?" I said concerned.

"Think so. Just fell and couldn't get up."

So I'd got Bandit still pushed up to my chest in one hand and then with the other i was supposed to get Lyn-z back up on her feet and then guarantee she wouldn't fall again, how would I have done that?

She was lying butt naked along the bottom of the bath still sore from the birth so I thought the only thing I could get her to do was turn around and try lean herself up the end so she was sort of sitting up.

So that's what we did. I turned the water back on and told her I'd come help in a second.

I went to the living room and took the smaller crib I'd just taken my new born out of and brought it to the bathroom so I could help Lyn-z and keep my eye on the little one.

When Lyn-z had finished washing up, I helped her out of the bathroom taking Bandit with us to the guest room. Eventually we were all settled down ready for bed after getting to change Bandit's diper and dressing her in the cute little baby grows we'd been buying for the last few months. Tonight's one was covered in cute little, yellow ducks. She looked adorable!

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