Lyn-z: 0 , me: 2

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{Still Gerard's P.O.V}

Bandit's crib was on my side for tonight so that Lyn-z could recover and rest. I woke up to hear Bandit's cry peirce my ear drums. She was like a little alarm clock, once you've heard it you can't sleep again except it was set at the wrong time because I don't remember choosing to be woken up at 2am.

I pushed my self up off the bed and tossed over to see my wife still sleeping in the strip she'd kept herself too the last few months of the pregnancy. It made me smile how peaceful she was when a crying baby was a couple feet away.

I went back over to pick Bandit up out of the crib and bring her over to the bed so she could come and rest on my crossed legs as I sat up straight. I think she'd had a nightmare. I rubbed her back to try calm her down which made the crying a little less like aimless screams. She opened her eyes again and smiled at me ending the crying.

But then I got a wiff!

The room began to smell! Real bad!

"You've just dropped one haven't you?! Oh f*ck Bandit, that's real bad! You stink more than Frank!!" I whispered while stretching my arms out as much as possible suspending her in the air while I took her out into the bathroom to change her diaper. Please don't make me the one to always change it. I mean Lyn-z: 0 , me: 2!

I began to dance around the house with spray to freshen the air so we could actually breathe.

We went out and sat on the porch just watching the world go by.

We sat there for about an hour.

I was welcoming my daughter to the world. Telling her stories from when I was little. It felt like we were closer.

I was mid way through telling her about the day Mikey was bought home when I heard Lyn-z's footsteps.

"Gerard, what are you doing out on the porch with Bandit?"

"Sorry cupcake, I'll tell you that one another time" I said turning to Bandit. Then I faced Lyn-z and said "Well, you see, she'd woken me up crying and I figured she'd dropped one so I changed her diaper and we came out here to hear some stories about mommy and daddy!"

Calling us that I realised we were parents. We had a daughter. I had a daughter, messed up, drug addict, beer loving Gerard Way had a daughter and a loving wife. Jeez! I can't actually believe that!

"Well come on back to bed." She said softly.

"I'm coming." I replied getting up slowly for Bandit's sake then going over to kiss Lyn-z on the head, "i love you Lyn-z!"

"Love you too Gerard!"

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