I just need my big brother right now

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{It's still Gerard's P.O.V}

"Bye bye mommy. Bye bye daddy. Bye bye Miles."

We'd been at the hospital for hours now and it was getting late. The girls started to say bye since the plan was that Ray would take them home and stay with them until their parents got home.

"Hey, erm what if the girls came back to mine and slept over with sort-of-cousin Bandit and sort-of-uncle-Gerard? That way Ray can go home and the girls can all play together and spend time together coloring and stuff then we'll get dinner, have a story and then go to bed." I suggested to Frank and Jamia as Cherry and Lily left the room to start heading out back to Ray.

"Er, sounds fine. You sure your okay with that Gerard. The first night totally just you and Bee - sure you can look after the twins as well?" Jamia asked concerned for her girls.

"Totally yeah. They don't get to see Bandit and I don't spend enough time with you guys or Ray or whoever. Maybe it'll be nice for them." I answered trying to persuade them.

"If they want to do that, then sure." Frank said yawning with a large smile on his face.

"Great! I'll go break the news." I said turning my back and heading for the door. "Jamia; s-l-e-e-p! Frank, you too buddy. Love you guys." I added pulling the handle on the hospital door and bringing it back so I could walk through to the waiting room.

I turned my head to the left scanning for any sign of a fro and two little girls. With no look, I turned to face forward staring into the waiting room, with no luck again I turned to the right and saw them walk down the corridor.

Bandit was with Mikey, asleep resting on his shoulder with his jacket wrapped around her.

I sprinted to Ray and the girls and took their hands out of his and into my own. Ray panicked and swung round a fist. He punched me in the face then realised I wasn't kidnapping them and that I was actually me.

"Ray. . . That was painful - thanks for forming a new bruise on my face."

"Ah man, Gerard; I'm sorry, so sorry dude. I thought you- "

"Nah, it's fine. I've talked to mommy and daddy," I began looking down at the girls as they gazed up at me before finishing: "and they said that these two princesses can, if they want to, come and sleep over at my house with Bandit."

"Yeah! Please can we?" Cherry asked looking up at Ray as her sister looked up at him too.

"If your mom and dad are okay with that, then that's fine girls!"  Ray replied glowing off a smile in my direction.

"Yay!" Lily yelled out.

"Come on then, let's get Bee and we'll go back to my house." I said as the girls took my hands and began marching up to Mikey leaving Ray to go home continueing down the corridor.

I then turned to Mikey as we entered into the main section of the waiting room as he sat cuddling Bandit.

"Hey, can you bring her to the car for me. The twins are stopping over at mine and I haven't got enough hands to carry Bee and the twins and still get to the car. . ." I said still not looking fully at him.

"Yeah sure." He answered still giving all his attention to Bandit.

He wrapped her legs around his waist holding onto her, keeping his jacket close then slowly stood up trying not to wake her. I released the girls hands while I grabbed the duffel bag and thread my arms through the straps. Mikey got up and began to walk through a corridor as I held the girls hands and followed after him.

We got to the car and I opened the back door so the twins could shuffle in. I watched as Mikey walked round the other side and opened the door with one hand on Bandit before returning his second hand to her and sliding her in to the back seat on her little booster seat then buckling in the seat belt.

He left his coat with her and quietly closed the door.

"I'm off -" he said walking a little behind the Jeep so he was in my sight.

"See ya then." I said as I watched the twins do their own seat belts.

I watched as he shook his head and slid his hands into his front pockets as he moved away.

I peeled away from the car and shut the back door. I put my hand on the front door handle ready to pull it back and get in until Mikey stopped me.

"Gerard I'm f*cking happy can't you see that. I've not been happy for a while with Alicia and I can't break up with her privately without everyone in the entire f*cking world knowing. Gerard, I need your support as a big brother and you can't even look at me. I've taken care of your daughter all day, little Bandit, little Bee, shotgun- and you just completely avoid me! What the hell is wrong with you bro?" He yelled out turning round, pivoting on one foot then pacing toward the car as If he was going to kick it or something.

"Look, Mikey- I'm, I'm sorry okay. Thanks for looking after Bee." I said still trying to figure out the right thing to say.

"That's all your going to say, that's all your going to say? Wow Ge, that's a whole new level of being a complete d*ck and an a*shole all at once!" He screamed back in anger.

"The girls can hear you Mikey, your swearing and yelling about this right in front of them. May I just remind you that Bandit is turning three next month." I said back in a stern voice.

"You know what, Gerard, I'm happy. I have a girlfriend who makes the cr*p go away. I have a girl I can treat. I have a girl I can take care of, who can take care of me- " he growled until I cut him off.

"No Mikey, you have a wife for that, someone you can love and cherish forever that's what marriage means. It's not an opportunity to loose like 70 grand because you found a bit of arm candy that's just a tad better then your actual wife! You don't cheat. I thought you were a decent guy, a gentlemen Mikey, not a scum bag!" I yelled taking my hand away from the car door handle.

"Gerard, I just need my brother right now. Please? Just be my big brother who helps me get through all the mess. Please Gerard!" He choked out.

It was that moment that I had no idea what to say or what to do. Bandit had probably woken up, Cherry and Lily are probably scared of me right now and just want Frank and Jamia and now I have my little brother, who will always be my baby brother, calling out for help any way he could.

"I'm gonna go home with the girls, we're gonna order food and play or watch movies or TV or do something before they go to bed. It's now like five right, so come by at nine and your going to sort this mess out tonight. Don't say anything to Alicia before we sort this out. Just tell her your coming to do some album art with me or something." I sighed out as he released tears from his eyes of which escaped and ran down his flustered cheeks and then dripped in turn each one falling from his jaw.

I opened the car door and got in before he could say anything.

"Sorry girls, we'll go home now okay?" I said softly leaning round the drivers seat to see them say there panicky and confused. I watched as they nodded slowly, finishing off with a giant yawn from Lily.

Hi again, there's a lot of authors notes recently.

I'm going home tomorrow and will have wifi *yay* i missed frankiero's deathspells concert tonight (11th august 2016) and I'm so sad. My sisters ex went not to the actual concert but qued up to meet frank and I got really angry for missing it. 😔 i also bought two more t-shirts, another my chem one and my first frankiero andthe cellabration and I'm so happy.

But yeah, none of this really mattered. I'm just telling you for the sake of telling you before writing another chapter. 😋

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